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December 3rd, 2015 at 11:01:00 PM permalink
Shuffle Master, one of the manufacturers of Continuous Shufflers, has offered a $100,000 challenge to advantage players. If a player can show the machines can be beaten by legal card counting or shuffle tracking techniques, the machine's manufacturer will give that player $100,000. Would such a player actually claim the prize? Or would they quietly beat the machine for as long as they could? Only such a true blackjack player would know the answer...
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December 3rd, 2015 at 11:14:56 PM permalink
Quote: muleyvoice

Shuffle Master, one of the manufacturers of Continuous Shufflers, has offered a $100,000 challenge to advantage players. If a player can show the machines can be beaten by legal card counting or shuffle tracking techniques, the machine's manufacturer will give that player $100,000. Would such a player actually claim the prize? Or would they quietly beat the machine for as long as they could? Only such a true blackjack player would know the answer...

It's just like anything else in the AP world. There's some people who love writing books and other things about AP. And there's some guy's who use the information to make Millions.

The most profitable thing = quietly beat the machine for as long as they could.
♪♪Now you swear and kick and beg us That you're not a gamblin' man Then you find you're back in Vegas With a handle in your hand♪♪ Your black cards can make you money So you hide them when you're able In the land of casinos and money You must put them on the table♪♪ You go back Jack do it again roulette wheels turinin' 'round and 'round♪♪ You go back Jack do it again♪♪
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December 3rd, 2015 at 11:52:53 PM permalink
I am not getting anything with that link.
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December 4th, 2015 at 3:04:53 AM permalink
That is an interesting question. On one hand you could beat it as long as possible, but on the other hand; how long would it be possible. It would really suck to not claim it but then someone else does shortly after and they fix the glitch/problem.
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December 4th, 2015 at 3:45:39 AM permalink
Quote: GWAE

That is an interesting question. On one hand you could beat it as long as possible, but on the other hand; how long would it be possible. It would really suck to not claim it but then someone else does shortly after and they fix the glitch/problem.

I was not thinking just counting.
♪♪Now you swear and kick and beg us That you're not a gamblin' man Then you find you're back in Vegas With a handle in your hand♪♪ Your black cards can make you money So you hide them when you're able In the land of casinos and money You must put them on the table♪♪ You go back Jack do it again roulette wheels turinin' 'round and 'round♪♪ You go back Jack do it again♪♪
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December 4th, 2015 at 4:52:26 AM permalink
Whatever link is posted, I couldn't find anything on there about a $100K challenge.

Obviously would need details about the challenge (if it even exists). Would it be a simulation, or real play (doubtful)? What rules would be used? How many decks in the shuffler, etc.? What kind of spread would it allow, 1-50? 1-200? 1-50K?

From there, if you can get an edge, of course depends on how great of an edge it is. If you've figured out spreading $25 to $5K nets you $20/hour, that ain't worth it (IMO) and would much rather have the $100K. But if you can spread $25 to $1K or $25 to $2K and make $200+/hour, then that's better...especially since you can (theoretically) bankroll other players to play for you.
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December 4th, 2015 at 9:03:54 AM permalink
Counting, to an extent, is possible on CSMs, since there are cards ready to be dealt at all times. I've previously read that there are 16 cards ready.
I heart Crystal Math.
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December 4th, 2015 at 9:19:09 AM permalink
Quote: CrystalMath

Counting, to an extent, is possible on CSMs, since there are cards ready to be dealt at all times. I've previously read that there are 16 cards ready.

Plus most places have a build up of anywhere from half a deck to 3/4 deck before they replace the played cards into the machine. That is like playing with very, very shallow penetration. Maybe some sort of huge spread in those very rare advantageous situations could produce the slimmest of overall advantage. Something like a table minimum of $5 to table max of $1000. That would create monster variance, but should create a very slim edge.

My partner and I play a CSM at a small local casino here in Vegas every week for about 30-45 minutes. We use a very small spread which does not overcome the house advantage, but does reduce it a bit. We do this because the small amount of play generates weekly matchplay and free bet coupons that all told, generates about $70 in EV between the two of us for that time played. This is far below my normal hourly rate, but it is a fun little extra bonus and we like to eat at this location one a week. This play also generates free food vouchers. :)
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December 4th, 2015 at 9:34:36 AM permalink
oh, sorry, I didn't read the original post thoroughly enough.
the next time Dame Fortune toys with your heart, your soul and your wallet, raise your glass and praise her thus: “Thanks for nothing, you cold-hearted, evil, damnable, nefarious, low-life, malicious monster from Hell!”   She is, after all, stone deaf. ... Arnold Snyder
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December 4th, 2015 at 9:39:23 AM permalink
One of the most common methods for stopping blackjack card counters is the Continuous Shuffle Machine (CSM). After every hand the cards are put back in the machine and are reshuffled back into the decks. Counting becomes useless and blackjack Basic Strategy becomes even more critical to the player's success.

Shuffle Master, one of the manufacturers of Continuous Shufflers, has offered a $100,000 challenge to advantage players. If a player can show the machines can be beaten by legal card counting or shuffle tracking techniques, the machine's manufacturer will give that player $100,000. Would such a player actually claim the prize? Or would they quietly beat the machine for as long as they could? Only such a true blackjack player would know the answer...

Still searching for details.

This may be an internet legend. Only Pacman knows for sure !
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December 4th, 2015 at 10:43:34 AM permalink
This over my head. What if, you just play against CSM and win. CSM Wiz say is player advantage over other shuffle. Don't count CSM, just kick it's A.... Hindquarters. Where do I collect my 100K?
Youuuuuu MIGHT be a 'rascal' if.......(nevermind ;-)...2F
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December 4th, 2015 at 10:58:54 AM permalink
I also couldn't find anything about this alleged challenge in the link posted. However, a search brought up this article from 2000 that mentions it: Continuous Shufflers Cost You Money. However, it doesn't site any sources. I hope Pacman can weigh in on this one.
"For with much wisdom comes much sorrow." -- Ecclesiastes 1:18 (NIV)
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December 4th, 2015 at 11:08:03 AM permalink
No idea what the hell happened on initial link. But there is indeed this :

Shuffle Master, one of the manufacturers of continuous shufflers, has offered a $100,000 challenge to advantage players. If a player can show the machines can be beaten by legal card counting or shuffle tracking techniques, the machine's manufacturer will give that player a cool 100 grand. If this is indeed the case, then blackjack played at continuous shuffle tables will lose the mystique and the luster that it has gained over the last 38 years and it will become a candidate for the dustbin.

Has it been 38 years. Wow, time flies.
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December 4th, 2015 at 12:29:27 PM permalink
Quote: muleyvoice

Shuffle Master...has offered a $100,000 challenge...

It sounds interesting - have you anything that shows the rules of the challenge and the company's contact details?

btw If you were allowed an infinite spread, then just wait for a series of fives and I'm sure the odds would swing in your favour for the next hand. Put another way bet zero during negative times, take as many cards as possible if the situation is negative, and bet $100 during any positive times - by definition you should win although you may have to wait an awfully long time!

Thus there has to be a spread (I'm guessing 1-500 is a reasonable value since I have seen tables using CSMs which allow a £2 bet and £1000 maximum) and some defined Blackjack rules - for argument's sake UK rules using 6-decks or Atlantic City using 8-decks both seem fair.
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December 4th, 2015 at 1:16:26 PM permalink
If it's not $10 min, $1000 max, then it sucks.
$15 min, $1000 max, that sucks.
$15 min, $500 max super sucks.
That's Norwegian cruise lines.
Royal Carribbean was like $10 min $500 Max.
I just thought RCL sucked.
Carnival, last time I looked, had $10 min, $1000 max, but out of CSM.
Pick your poison, have some fun, laugh along the way...
All those 3:2, H17.
Try not to play 6:5......

There is always a Casino out there willing to educate you, just sign up.......
Youuuuuu MIGHT be a 'rascal' if.......(nevermind ;-)...2F
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