Posted by SmirkinGherkin
Jan 15, 2025

Craps Youtubers, the good n the awful

Top 5:
In no particular order.
Color Up, Jeremy gets an A- for explaining things and then trying it out. He gets a minus because he makes silly mistakes that he misses but at least he corrects them for the final video. Also his put bet explanation was lacking on the vid I last watched.

Let's talk craps. Hes a bit boring, the pace is slow, but the strategy vids are clear for serious craps players. I think he has an acct here. I give him an A. Im not the only one that finds him dry and lacking charisma, but the strategy walkthrus are golden.

MarkAllin - hes so fun!!! My kinda guy.

Mark The Point - I really enjoy his high roller playthru strategies

Waylons Way - I hardly see him make mistakes and he keeps bets low for grinders like me to follow in a lot of vids. Easy to follow, but his vids could have a different and better filming angle, so it's not partially blocked by the side of the table.

Pro Craps - Why did youtube completely shadowban this channel????? I would really like to know if anyone can tell me. Theres several good videos here, so whats up exactly? I only learned of this channel today from some aahi shitposter.

Meh / Not Bad / Needs some improvement
Inside The Casino. CC's suck, hard to hear, very unclear a lot of the time.

WORST 10 craps youtubers
Gambling With Jimmy. This guy...please dont let him near a craps table, like ever. His vid 68 Solo strategy is awful and he takes down any negative comments. Someone buy him an ON OFF puck so he understands how the game works...
(Also, in the last 24hrs it's become clear that he buys views.)

Bluff or BluffinBob, seriously who gave him a camera and an idea to upload to youtube. He also uses AI nonsense felts in his thumbnails.

That Casino Life - vids are also damn near unwatchable, it's fuzzy, jerky, and unclear.
His shorts (Why You Lose At Craps) are basic bitch and boring and dont explqin anything, if youre gonna show us "sets" why just rotate them on the screen? Yup dude, we can see they are clear dice...
Good example - the vid This Will Get Ypu Kicked Out ofthe Casino, the bkack guy snaps his fingers to roll the dice, but its hard to see and isnt explained. Somehow that vid always ends up in my feed. The body language is good to see, the dealer speaks with the thrower and snaps his fingers to say NoNo. Probably the only decent vid on his entire channel.

VegasMatt. Is his schtick supposed to be "betting bad bets?" Is that his whole youtube thing? I dont get it. It's clickbaitey. "Here's $1900 on the field, cuz I never play craps and thought Id wander over today like a drunk derpyderp." Him and Jimmy should tag team a video.

All Casino Action, if you like to watch a player lose his money on bad bets and only has a minimal understanding of the math of the game, then he's your man.

BigAZcrapsGuru - vids quality sucks, fuzzy, cant see anything, and cant hear anything.

The Vegas Vice - Very clickbaity, his High Limit Craps vid is a good example. His music over everything is AI elevator or call-on-hold "inoffensive" computer jazz garbage . Think Corporate Memphis.


odiousgambit Jan 16, 2025

I'll check into some of these

for the most part, I view the usual craps 'strategy' on you tube as mostly 'how to be a bigger loser'

ChumpChange Jan 16, 2025

I'm branching out into watching Bubble Craps videos and Crapless Craps Bubble craps videos. They seem to almost all have one thing in common, players who can't stick to a script or a betting scheme for the video. They just bet wildly without explanation for why they bet the way they do, they just add chips and more chips and more chips until there's nothing left to bet and hoping they don't 7-out roll after roll. If they get to a certain bet goal, they'll cash out $500 or $1,000 or more before the next roll and regress their bets. If they lose, they always have another few $100 bills ready for a buy-in for the next round. They'll bet on Place and Buy bets for the same number, so I know they don't care about HA one wit. They'll load up on hop numbers like there's no tomorrow. The very worst examples of craps playing imaginable.

I'd stick with Placing the 6 & 8 with a PL and odds if I was doing videos and trying to keep the HA down. Or doing 3 point Molly's/Dolly's with double odds. Something along those lines with modifications.

I appreciate unique strategies that Waylon makes but I find his videos hard to watch or pay attention to so somebody like Color Up covering them from time to time gives them more exposure, but as always, Jeremy cannot roll the dice to save a system like ever.

Posted by SmirkinGherkin
Jan 14, 2025

Muscle memory, musicianship, and dice

Im a musician. I've been a player since I was in primary school, and I later went to on music school for college.

I'm not average. I'm highly skilled. I play one of, if not THE HARDEST styles of music.

Muscle memory is damn important. And some instruments are incredibly physically demanding, and I just so happen to specialize in those.

It's especially important when playing a humongous 3/4 size bassviol, or rather any unfretted instrument, but the bass requires a FBOMB ****edited because #Dieter decided to PM me that the board is pg13!!!! Um that rating allows a single F bomb. Blog is here for to read, or not read.

If it's a probkem, then I wouldnt be allpwed to have the 4 letter word originally included in my blog.

I have two words, a hard four and an ace-deuce.


more ton of actual muscle in the hands due to the thick strings, arms to accomodate a saltnpeppa German bow, shoulder abs and back muscles.

West African music, particularly the djembe and Ballet style doons from Guinea, is probably the hardest style to learn - the polyphonic nature is often too much for western players, even for the African Marimba known as a Balafon. The best (and smartest) percussionists will study some West African Drums to up their game as a western drummer/percussionist.

There are numerous acedemic papers written that show Western musicians have major difficulty in notating music from west africa and guinea. How the "meter" works over a shared beat is hard to translate to a Western player.

Blah Blah Blah dice "control" BlahBlahBlah naw it's called "dice influence" dawg BLABLABLA THERE IS NO SUCH THING.

While all those arguing idiots (yes, I stand by it, only idiots argue the most idiotic points, like DC or DI) argue simply whether it's possible or not...

Well I say youall are idiots because youall are focusing on the wrong damn argument.

Angry Athiest vs angry Xtian/monoreligious person, we all know how those arguments go. Telk me you're dumber than Flat Earthers simply by hearing you argue in the first place.

Same thing.

Grifters, all of em. "I can control dice! Buy my classes!" "I can throw better than you nahnahnabooboo BUY MY BOOOOOK" "Join my special colors clurb!" "Join my cherch and WATCH YOUR LIEF IMPROVE, jjst give us money"

Yes, I realize where I am. Stay with me, we'll get back.

Why would I label myself a dice influencer or dice controller? That's silly. Unless I wana grift off my self-proclaimed label.

Unless you can take your muscle memory and apply it to the dice with actual results? And what do we define as results?

I'm sure I'm not the only person that has read literally Every Single book available on craps. Im telling the truth, I love reading.

What I can also tell you is, somehow, they all say the same thing.

People who shoot dice have awful muscle memory. I've even watched Mr. Founders' vids. Definitely terrible muscle memory there. It's very easy for me to tell his wrist and hand never act the same way, for any shoot. Hours of practice throwing dice alone is clearly not effective, at least as much as he *says* that it is.

How can I tell this? Because through my study of West African drums (I'm a ballet doons player, btw), I can literally stop time. I can split a single second into multiple parts. I can actually see what your hands and parts are doing and moving each milisecond.

It's literally my job. But I also know, not every (Western) musician (in fact, very few even) has this ability. It's a combination of being taught, and pushing the mental talent as far as possible, and then some. ("Don't think! You'll lose it!)

(It probably doesnt help that I also have synethesia, but honestly, that is not the part helping with my muscle memory anyways.)



"DONT THINK!!" being shouted at me. Very common for beginners to west african to hear that.

I use my muscle memory at the table. It didnt even require a home game setup. (Suckers.)

Sorry, gotta run, practice is starting soon. gotta warm up my hands n wrists n arms n shoulders n back n abs. And stop time, and then restart it again mid second.