Posted by lojo
Sep 20, 2013

Lojo in the house!

Hey, I'm kind of like Sid the science kid. I like to challenge everything. I saved this forum for my last.
Anyone who felt harmed by my rogue hunting should come here as your last recourse and that includes all of the major portals. You ain't untouchable and you are not without blame.
I stand ready to answer any banning. I will not play games.
I will answer all valid queries in public or private.
I prefer public.


Buzzard Sep 21, 2013

Do you get so little from forums that you feel justified to face expulsion for calling an asshole an asshole ?

Beethoven9th Sep 21, 2013

Another BS blog post. *headshake*

Beethoven9th Sep 25, 2013

Lojo no longer in the house!!