Posted by jetgerard
Feb 22, 2019

How old do you have to be to play online poker

I want to help all young poker players or those who just want to start playing poker. I know that only some people know the US laws, and especially the age at which you can play poker. I want to share a table that lists the legal age for playing poker for each state - How old do you have to be to play online poker. You are welcome.


Nathan Feb 25, 2019

In my state, Florida, the Minimum age to play Poker is 18. But online there is nothing stopping some 16 year old from playing on his older 18 year old brother's account after it is confirmed that the 18 year old is in fact 18. Lots of underaged kids and teens admitted they did shady stuff using their adult family members accounts without their permissions.

jetgerard Mar 05, 2019

As to me, poker is not about age. Just remember dan coleman poker player. He started really young

Posted by jetgerard
Nov 13, 2018

Board games that require strategic thinking

There is an opinion that poker and strategic thinking games in casinos improve your intelligence, which I wholeheartedly agree with. Your cognitive thinking also improves, meaning you better recognize human emotions, think through game strategy and tactics, and try to put it all into practice. The best crypto audit companies are always on the lookout for competent, motivated, and resourceful employees. As these companies audit multi-million dollar projects and they always need reliable and professional staff.


odiousgambit Nov 14, 2018

I wouldn't value it much but 'I suppose'

it's just that if you wanted a game to improve your brain, there's no need to head to the casino. Taking an AP approach to those games might keep you sharp too

to me it would be a possible side benefit not really worth pondering much

Zcore13 Nov 14, 2018

I think it's a poorly written article on a crappy website.