Posted by Averzhu
Feb 22, 2022

Cambodia NIU NIU, Super bet probabilities?

In Cambodia, NIU NIU ,there are Super betting options.Super bet without the Ultimate Niu Niu rule.ONE DECK. Can anyone help calculate their probabilities?

Yes/Niu Niu/9.5/0.071096/0.202624
Yes/Niu 9/8.55/?/?
Yes/Niu 8/7.6/?/?
Yes/Niu 7/6.65/?/?
Yes/Niu 6/5.7/?/?
Yes/Niu 5/4.75/?/?
Yes/Niu 4/3.8/?/?
Yes/Niu 3/2.85/?/?
Yes/Niu 2/1.9/?/?
Yes/Niu 1/0.95/?/?
Yes/No Niu/0.95/0.056418/0.053597
No/No Niu/-1/0.056418/-0.056418
No/Niu 1/-1/?/?
No/Niu 2/-2/?/?
No/Niu 3/-3/?/?
No/Niu 4/-4/?/?
No/Niu 5/-5/?/?
No/Niu 6/-6/?/?
No/Niu 7/-7/?/?
No/Niu 8/-8/?/?
No/Niu 9/-9/?/?
No/Niu Niu/-10/0.071096


Posted by Averzhu
Nov 21, 2013

Caribbean Stud Poker Combinations

Who can tell me how to calculate the "Player wins with royal flush" Combinations? The answer is 16759740, but I can't make it out.

The link:


JB Nov 21, 2013

The number of possible royal flushes for the player's hand = 4


the number of possible dealer hands which qualify but do not tie the player's hand = 837987


the number of cards in the dealer's hand which could be the one that gets exposed = 5

4 * 837987 * 5 = 16759740

Averzhu Nov 21, 2013

Thank you very much, BJ. Can you give me the Mathematical formulas of "the number of possible dealer hands which qualify but do not tie the player's hand" Combinations? Because I'm a beginner. Thanks.

Averzhu Nov 21, 2013

Sorry, should thank JB.

Averzhu Nov 22, 2013

The combinations of Five Card Stud Poker(MS Excel Function):

royal flush: combin(1,1)*combin(4,1)=4

straight flush: combin(10,1)*combin(4,1)-4=36

four of a kind: combin(13,1)*combin(4,4)*combin(52-4,1)=624

full house: combin(13,1)*combin(4,3)*combin(13-1,1)*combin(4,2)=3744

flush: combin(13,5)*combin(4,1)-4-36=5108

straight: combin(10,1)*power(combin(4,1),5)-4-36=10200

three of a kind: combin(13,1)*combin(4,3)*combin(13-1,2)*power(combin(4,1),2)=54912

two pair: combin(13,2)*power(combin(4,2),2)*combin(13-2,1)*combin(4,1)=123552

high card: (combin(13,5)-10)*(power(combin(4,1),5)-4)=1302540

Total: combin(52,5)=2598960

Five Card Draw -- High Card Hands:

Ace high: (combin(12,4)-2)*(power(combin(4,1),5)-4)=502860

King high: (combin(11,4)-1)*(power(combin(4,1),5)-4)=335580

Queen high: (combin(10,4)-1)*(power(combin(4,1),5)-4)=213180

Jack high: (combin(9,4)-1)*(power(combin(4,1),5)-4)=127500

10 high: (combin(8,4)-1)*(power(combin(4,1),5)-4)=70380

9 high: (combin(7,4)-1)*(power(combin(4,1),5)-4)=34680

8 high: (combin(6,4)-1)*(power(combin(4,1),5)-4)=14280

7 high: (combin(5,4)-1)*(power(combin(4,1),5)-4)=4080

Total: 1302540

Ace&King High: (combin(11,3)-1)*(power(combin(4,1),5)-4)=167280

The Link:


Averzhu Nov 22, 2013

one pair: combin(13,1)*combin(4,2)*combin(13-1,3)*power(combin(4,1),3)=1098240

JB Nov 22, 2013

I don't use formulas to calculate that, as you have to take into account the cards in the player's hand which cannot appear in the dealer's hand. It is best to write a computer program to iterate through the possible dealer hands.

Averzhu Nov 22, 2013

Thanks.I will try.

Averzhu Dec 01, 2013

I have written a Visual Basic program to calculate the "Player wins with royal flush" Combinations.

The answer is :

837987 PlayerRoyalFlushWin

3 Push

695949 NonQuality

1533939 Total


Private Sub Command1_Click()

Dim MyHands As String

MyHands = PlayerDealerCompare("01S10S11S12S13S")

Text1.Text = MyHands

End Sub


Public Function PlayerDealerCompare(PlayerHand As String)

Const CardDraw As Integer = 5

Dim i, j, k, l, m, CardNo, SearchCard, PlayerStatus As Integer, DealerStatus As Integer

Dim CardValue As String, Flowers(1 To 4) As String * 1

Dim DealerDecks(1 To 47) As String, DealerOutput As String

Dim DealerHand As String

Dim PlayerRFWin, PlayerRFPush, PlayerRFNonQuality

Dim DealerAK As Boolean

Flowers(1) = "S"

Flowers(2) = "H"

Flowers(3) = "C"

Flowers(4) = "D"

For i = 1 To 13

If Len(Trim(Str(i))) = 1 Then

CardValue = "0" + Trim(Str(i))


CardValue = Trim(Str(i))

End If

For j = 1 To 4

SearchCard = InStr(1, PlayerHand, CardValue + Flowers(j), 1)

If SearchCard = 0 Then

CardNo = 1 + CardNo

DealerDecks(CardNo) = CardValue + Flowers(j)

End If



For i = 1 To CardNo - CardDraw + 1

For j = i + 1 To CardNo - CardDraw + 2

For k = j + 1 To CardNo - CardDraw + 3

For l = k + 1 To CardNo - CardDraw + 4

For m = l + 1 To CardNo - CardDraw + 5

DealerHand = DealerDecks(i) + DealerDecks(j) + DealerDecks(k) + DealerDecks(l) + DealerDecks(m)

PlayerStatus = CardStatus(PlayerHand)

DealerStatus = CardStatus(DealerHand)

Select Case PlayerStatus

Case 0

Case 1

Case 2

Case 3

Case 4

Case 5

Case 6

Case 7

Case 8

Case 9

If PlayerStatus > DealerStatus And DealerStatus <> 0 Then

PlayerRFWin = PlayerRFWin + 1

ElseIf PlayerStatus = DealerStatus Then

PlayerRFPush = PlayerRFPush + 1

ElseIf DealerStatus = 0 Then

DealerAK = AKStatus(DealerHand)

If DealerAK = True Then

PlayerRFWin = PlayerRFWin + 1


PlayerRFNonQuality = PlayerRFNonQuality + 1

End If

End If

End Select






DealerOutput = Str(PlayerRFWin) + " PlayerRoyalFlushWin" + vbCrLf _

+ Str(PlayerRFPush) + " Push" + vbCrLf _

+ Str(PlayerRFNonQuality) + " NonQuality" + vbCrLf _

+ Str(PlayerRFWin + PlayerRFPush + PlayerRFNonQuality) + " Total"

PlayerDealerCompare = DealerOutput

End Function


Public Function CardStatus(CardHand As String)

Dim CardNo(1 To 5) As String, CardFlower(1 To 5) As String

Dim ii, jj, SameCard, Pair, Straight, HowManySameCard, SameFlower, ThisNo, NextNo

Dim Status As String, Flower As String, ComCard As String

Dim Royal As Boolean

SameCard = 0

Pair = 0

Straight = 0

SameFlower = 0

HowManySameCard = 0

Royal = False

jj = 1

For ii = 1 To 13 Step 3

CardNo(jj) = Mid(CardHand, ii, 2)

CardFlower(jj) = Mid(CardHand, ii + 2, 1)

Status = Status + CardNo(jj)

Flower = Flower + CardFlower(jj)

jj = jj + 1


For ii = 1 To 4 'One pair or two pairs(1or2)

If ComCard <> CardNo(ii) Then

For jj = ii + 1 To 5

If StrComp(CardNo(ii), CardNo(jj)) = 0 Then

SameCard = SameCard + 1

ComCard = CardNo(ii)

End If


If SameCard = 1 Then Pair = Pair + 1

End If

SameCard = 0


If Pair = 1 Then HowManySameCard = 1 'One pair is 1

If Pair = 2 Then HowManySameCard = 2 'Two pairs is 2

For ii = 1 To 4

ThisNo = CInt(CardNo(ii))

NextNo = CInt(CardNo(ii + 1))

If ThisNo = NextNo - 1 Then Straight = Straight + 1 'Straight

If StrComp(CardFlower(1), CardFlower(ii + 1)) = 0 Then 'Flush

SameFlower = SameFlower + 1

End If


ComCard = ""

For ii = 1 To 4 'three of a kind is 3 or four of a kind is 7

If ComCard <> CardNo(ii) Then

For jj = ii + 1 To 5

If StrComp(CardNo(ii), CardNo(jj)) = 0 Then

SameCard = SameCard + 1

ComCard = CardNo(ii)

End If


End If

Select Case SameCard

Case 2 'three of a kind is 3

HowManySameCard = 3

Case 3 'four of a kind is 7

HowManySameCard = 7

End Select

SameCard = 0


If CardNo(1) = "01" And CardNo(2) = "10" And CardNo(3) = "11" And _

CardNo(4) = "12" And CardNo(5) = "13" Then Royal = True

If Pair = 1 And HowManySameCard = 3 Then HowManySameCard = 6 'full house is 6

If SameFlower = 4 Then HowManySameCard = 5 'flush is 5

If Straight = 4 Or Royal Then HowManySameCard = 4 'Straight is 4

If Straight = 4 And SameFlower = 4 Then HowManySameCard = 8 'straight flush is 8

If CardNo(1) = "01" And CardNo(2) = "10" And CardNo(3) = "11" And _

CardNo(4) = "12" And CardNo(5) = "13" And SameFlower = 4 Then _

HowManySameCard = 9 'royal flush

CardStatus = HowManySameCard

End Function


Public Function AKStatus(CardHand As String)

Dim HandAK As Boolean

HandAK = False

If InStr(1, CardHand, "01", 1) > 0 And InStr(1, CardHand, "13", 1) > 0 Then

HandAK = True


HandAK = False

End If

AKStatus = HandAK

End Function
