Posted by JamesDull78
Sep 27, 2018


After a whole year of setup and great planning I finally have a way to beat the online bitcoin dice games, I have so far only used this system on Crypto games and have made over 12BTC in 2 months, so good I thought let me share.

If ever you thought using a rainbow table on something like a dice site would never work, guess again.

I have a dedicated mysql server which as I am typing this has over 6,000,000,000,000,000 seeds and sha256 hash's stored and counting. this server creates random 40 digit mixalphanumeric strings with the resulting Sha256 hash exactly as the modern bitcoin casinos use.

So my thought was, since the casino must give you the hashed seed before the roll, why not build a database that contains as much as I can, so I did it, and wow does it pay off.

So my next step was to build a bot which automatically places a bet and gets the result of the bet, the nice thing about Crypto Games is that with the result comes the next server seed hash, since I don't really care about the result and only the hash, my bot takes the hash and checks through the database I created and when found, (which has only happened 7 times so far) out of about 3000 bets, yes I know its quite a wait but it is definitely worth it. Then the fun starts.

To maximize my winnings, i know that to get the roll the server combines the server seed (Which I now Know) with my seed that i create and encrypts it using sha512, it then takes the first five digits of the resulting string and converts in to numerics, this is your roll. So I then do the same, but instead of settling for any outcome, i use an online sha512 encrypter, using the casinos next seed and i keep changing my seed until i get a result of over 98, now i know my selected seed and the seed from the casino (thanks to the database) i am going to get a roll of over 98.

So i go to the casino set my chance to 50.000 and my bet to 0.00005000 and roll over 98, as you may have guessed it works and I am 0.00245000BTC richer, this worked all 7 times that I have found the hash, but I did vary my bet and outcome as to not arouse suspicion, besides all the bets in between trying to find the hash seems like normal play to the casino.

So far still going strong should have over 7,000,000,000,000,000 by next week with even better chance of finding the hash.

Yes casinos can be beaten if you willing to do the work.



OnceDear Sep 28, 2018

If any of this is true, you are clever. Bravo.

If all of this is true, you are extremely unwise to boast about it. Loose lips sink ships.

I know how much of it I believe.

Zcore13 Sep 28, 2018

Yeah, just what I would do if I found a way to steal from a casino... find a forum, sign up and make my very first post a description of what I did.

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