OK, back on topic…..
Thanks to reaching Diamond Level at CZR this year, and myVegas, we have the opportunity to see shows for free this year. I mention that because Six Shows does seem kind of over the top, and just a few years ago 1 big Strip show was a big treat, even if we were using a 2 for 1 coupon.
Day 1
at Luxor (myVegas)
So apparently this group first got some exposure on the replacement summer TV series, America’s Got Talent, back in 2008, and then went on to win an MTV dance contest series. Now if you are wondering how a dance group would fill out an hour and 15 minute show, that’s a good question. And unfortunately, a question that has not been figured out yet by the Jabbawockeez.
There are 4 to 5 minutes of excellent dance moves in the show. The cast is very talented when they stick to that. There is another obligatory audience participation segment with a lady from the audience comes on stage, and the ending of that is well done. So, a solid 15 minutes or so of Las Vegas Strip worthy entertainment. And that leaves 60 minutes of, well, filler. Mrs Q even rested/slept through parts of the show.
Rating = 2 ( 1 to 5 scale ) = Expect to be disappointed even if you have Free Show tickets
update: Mrs. Q gives them a 1. Ouch.
Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes
Who Should attend:
If you brought teens to Las Vegas for vacation, I think this would be a good show to send them to while you hit the Tables. IF you are old enough to gamble in Vegas, I think you are too old for this show.
Day 2
Million Dollar Quartet
at Harrah’s (Diamond Level Monthly Tickets)
I didn’t know what to expect from this show, because the posters aound the casino don’t do a very good job of describing it. So I believe an apt description would be “Jersey Boys meet the Early Days of Rock and Roll”. It is the story of Sun Records, and one real life meeting of 4 of Rock and Roll’s icons, Elvis, Johnny Cash, Jerry Lee Lewis, and Carl Perkins in the recording studio. This production was on Broadway a few years ago.
All 5 singers (there is a female vocalist along for the ride) on stage can really belt it out, and play guitar or piano just as well. This is a great show, and I highly recommend it. I loved the history, loved the songs, and loved the performers. They sound like, look like, and move like the real life stars.
Rating = 5 ( 1 to 5 scale ) = This show is so good you will consider seeing it again !
Who Should attend:
Everybody !
Day 3
Tournament of Kings (myVegas)
At Excalibur
That’s tonight. Stay tuned !
Quote: beachbumbabsAbsinthe at CP. Very raunchy and adult, but hysterically funny with unique acts.
Thanks for the tip. I think the Wiz reviewed that one and recommends it.
Alas, no Host. I would also like to see Veronic at Bally's. MILLION DOLLAR QUARTET exceeded all our expectations !
ps: Typing from the DIAMOND LOUNGE.
Need options for next visit October '15 or following April '16.
Quote: JohnnyQThanks for the tip. I think the Wiz reviewed that one and recommends it.
Alas, no Host. I would also like to see Veronic at Bally's. MILLION DOLLAR QUARTET exceeded all our expectations !
ps: Typing from the DIAMOND LOUNGE.
My g/f stayed awake during Jabbawockeez, but fell asleep during Veronic...*shrug*
Veronic was okay if you like singing shows. But I feel like she should have cut out the bottom third of her impressions. Particularly trying to mimic country singers...she sucked at that. And looking at Bally's website, no longer running. She had a limited engagement in May.
Tournament of Kings (myVegas)
At Excalibur
With this show, I think you clearly know what to expect:
- A bit of good natured "campiness"
- Some Jousting, hey hey
- Horses
- An appearance by Merlin
- Eating with your fingers ( Chicken, potatoes, a roll, and broccoli. Overall, dinner was fine. The dessert pastry was good ).
- And definitely some sword play !
- And I wasn't expecting
The arena is divided into different seating sections. We were in Norway, official slogan on the posters "Norway we can lose".
Each section had its own cheer-leading wench for the King from that country. So some good old fashioned audience hooting and hollering was encouraged.
There is a little bit of a plot to the show.
Our server looked just like the Iran Sheik from the good old days of the WWF (yes, I think it was still the WWF way back then).
Rating = 4 ( 1 to 5 scale ) = Worth going if you want to see something different.
Duration: ~1 hour 25 minutes
Who Should attend:
If you brought kids or teens to Las Vegas for vacation, I think this would be a good show to SEE WITH THEM. It's fun. Do bring a camera, because AFTER the show, you can take pictures with some of the cast.
As the horses raced around the arena, I wouldn't be surprised that some sand (and whatnot) was kicked up into the first row. It sure looked like that was a possibility from our vantage point in the second row. So that may not be where you want to be eating. On the other hand, who doesn't love being in the first row ? Just have a napkin ready to cover your plate. In general, I thought all the seats were pretty good.
- Mrs. Q said my rating of 2 for the Jabbawockeez was too generous ! She gives them a 1. Ouch !
Australian Beegee's Tribute, myVEGAS.
What can I say, the price was right !
You didn't read the spoilers, did you ? ? ?
Anyday, more on the Australian Beegee's later (3.5 out of 5) later, we're trying to head out early for breakfast.
Tonight, we are leaning towards LEGENDS in CONCERT at Flamingo.
And may try to squeeze in the afternoon MAC KING show as well to get the show count up to 7 ! ! ! We've seen him many times before and we just love his show. So does FROMMER's.
Quote: Mission146Nice Review, one of the few shows (ToK) I've seriously considered seeing. If it is still going in December, I probably will.
I saw it in like 2007 so I can't see it ending by December.
BUT, it has a couple of internet stations ( nice ). Slow as molasses ( not as nice ).
Heading off to see LEGENDS in CONCERT in a few minutes.
at Flamingo
I think a show like this succeeds (or not) based on the charisma of the entertainers. And our line-up had it:
- Michael Jackson
- Barry White
- Steven Tyler
- Celine Dion
- Elvis Presley
They had the the looks, the moves, and especially the voices. Their audience interaction was also very polished, Elvis came down to meet with "Priscilla" at our booth, and she ended up with a "nice" souvenir scarf. Elvis and Barry both walked through the audience and shook hands with about 20 people each.
I wonder if our show was originally scheduled to have a 6th performer, but had to cancel at the last minute for some reason. So my only suggestion is to have another 10 minutes or so of another Legend to round things out. For some shows, I am more than ready to leave after an hour and 15 minutes. Not this one, keep the party going !
Kudos to several of the entertainers who shook hands with a special needs young adult in the first row. They performers didn't make a big deal out of it, in fact most people sitting behind that area probably couldn't see it. BUT I am sure it was a HUGE deal to the special needs person.
Another nice touch was large screens above and to the sides of the stage that show video of the REAL legends. The likenesses were uncanny. The dancers were very good, and ditto to the live 5 pc band on stage.
Rating = 4.5 ( 1 to 5 scale ) = Highly Recommended
Duration: 1 hour and 17 min
Who Should attend:
Everybody. Great all around, high energy, foot tapping / hand clapping in time with the music show.
I'm not sure how old the following image is, but the show we saw had Barry White and NOT Katy Perry:
Recommendation: Dump "Barry White" (sorry Barry White impersonator) and bring on "Katy Perry". Oh yeah. Or "Madonna", or "Tina Turner". Or "Cyndi Lauper" ( who doesn't love her ? ). How 'bout "Shania Twain" ?
MAC KING Comedy Magic Afternoon Show
at Harrah's
Well Mrs. Q wanted to see Mac King again, for old times sake. She didn't have to twist my arm, I have seen the show several times, but not for several years. And I have thoroughly enjoyed it every time.
A lot of the show is the same, but it doesn't matter. Mac King always a great job and much of the humor comes from his interactions with people selected from the audience, which makes up a lot of the show.
Rating = 5 ( 1 to 5 scale ) = You have to go if you haven't been there before, this is a Vegas Icon. His contract at Harrah's was recently extended for several more years. AND an excellent value to boot, even though this is the only show we had to pay for.
Duration: ~1 hour and 15 min, maybe a little longer
Who Should attend:
Everybody. This is a great family show. Kids, teens, and adults will enjoy it.
Get a coupon from the Total Rewards Desk at Harrah's. Ours ended up being about $ 30 for 2 people, but it included 2 free drinks at the bar inside the showroom. So overall, a good deal. I have also seen coupons in LVA and possibly the American Casino Guide.

Australian BeeGees Tribute Band
at Excalibur
I didn't get around to writing a review of this one in chronological order. But here are a few highlights:
+ Sounds like the Beegees.
+ Small Show room, so that is good.
+ Good Live music. I think they played all the Beegees hits, because part way through they changed gears and played a few songs from other acts.
+ Big Finale of "You Should be Dancing", "Night Fever", and one more. I'll see if Mrs. Q remembers which one.
- Could have had some better graphics on the flatscreens, but I guess they were supposed to be throwback groovy.
Rating = 3.5 ( 1 to 5 scale )
Duration: approx 1 hour and 15 min
Who Should attend:
Well Beegees fans for sure, I guess that goes without saying. This was the oldest crowd I have ever seen at a Vegas show.
Day 7, Show #7
Criss Angel - Believe
at Luxor (myVegas)
My pre-conceived notion is that this would not be that good of a show. I'm not sure exactly how I formed that impression, but I did. I do recall seeing part of one of his TV shows (he mentions that he has a TV show with zillions of viewers several times during his Vegas show) and the segment I saw was absolutely ridiculous.
But I went in open minded and hoped to be pleasantly surprised
So, listing some of the show highlights:
+ His show is still available from myVegas !
+ The showroom is beautiful. There is an intricate golden arch outlining the stage, it reminded me of "Alice in Wonderland". Very interesting.
+ Decent comedy elements in the show, including the vertically challenged "Maestro".
+ Good seats from myVegas about 10 rows from the stage (yeah, I know, that doesn't have much to do with the show. But just wanted to say THANKS to myVegas).
+ The show spends about the first 10 minutes without Criss, with a comedy/magic act. I think that was actually a very good idea, because it takes a while to get to Luxor from the center of the Strip, and I'm sure a lot of people misjudge how long it will take.
- Criss's audience participation gigs could have been a little smoother.
- Some of his illusions seemed repetitive. Several sets seemed to revolve around the person disappearing behind a sheet that is pulled up in front.
- You know how some performers ooze charisma and are immediately likeable ? I think that would be his best trick yet (once he figures that out).
In summary, not a bad show, but not a great show either. The giant saw of death was interesting, and so was the torso-less walking legs pushing a cart across the stage (although it was not too hard to see how that one was done, but it was done fairly well nonetheless. I think the lighting crew gets an "assist" on that one).
Rating = 3.5 ( 1 to 5 scale )
Who Should attend:
Any of the 100's of millions of fans of his show. And if you don't believe that many people watch it, just ask Criss !
Also, if you're not sure who the world's absolute greatest magician of all time is, you can find out by attending the show. Criss doesn't keep that a secret and he mentions it several times.
Till next time...
- Q: What's better than a good show ?
- A: A good FREE show.
Sometimes you "win" with great shows ( Million Dollar Quartet and Legends in Concert ) and sometimes not so much ( Jabbawockeez ).
Even though I don't consider us high rollers at all, we leveraged myVegas AND Diamond Status at CZR, AND staying a week that spans the end of the month and the beginning of the next month ( CZR is one pair of show tickets per calendar month ) to load up on shows.
We ALSO visited the CZR Diamond Lounges most days, and that is a perk that we really like. There were lines to get in a couple of days, so they are popular.
Thanks for writing all this up!
Quote: tringlomaneyou just wrote the most positive review of the show I've ever read.
Even though I gag when I hear FOX NEWS say it, I try to be "Fair and Balanced" !
ps: I have edited some of my original posts, adding a little more detail. I opted NOT to pay for Internet in the room during the trip.........
.....because I am a Low-Roller. Or because I like to save my hard earned $$$'s for drinkin' and gambin'.
Quote: Chereya.....packing in a show per night!
I had the same concerns. In fact, I would have wagered that Mrs Q would have skipped a show sometime during the week. She didn't. But I think she wished she would have missed the Jabbawockeez !.
The worst thing about this schedule was getting from mid-strip to the LUXOR to see shows. It takes sooooo long to get there, even though we used the monorail to get as far as MGM Grand and then walked or took their tram from Excalibur. I think they were having problems with it one night, or it is just an inefficient set-up.
Quote: teddysThe best show I saw this trip was Zombie Burlesque. It might have been one of the best shows I've ever seen. At the V Theatre at Miracle Mile Shops.
Zombie Burlesque? That brings several images to mind... I will Google, hit images, and only watch out of one eye........
Quote: teddysThe best show I saw this trip was Zombie Burlesque. It might have been one of the best shows I've ever seen. At the V Theatre at Miracle Mile Shops.
OK, Officially added to my list of "New Things to Do the Next Time I am in Vegas". Thanks for the tip.
Quote: JohnnyQLooks like myVegas show tix have been somewhat decimated. SO, send me donations for more show reviews ! ! !
Hehe, shouldn't have advertised the 10th row tix they gave you...
I really enjoyed Mac King. I still can't figure out how he does the bear trick, even though I have seen it more than once.
Thanks for the write ups. I enjoyed them very much.