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May 15th, 2012 at 10:07:45 PM permalink
In order to keep the WOVcon ][ wrapups from getting lost at the end of the planning thread for the event, I am starting this alternate thread. Hopefully, the event's attendees will post their thoughts/reports in this thread when they're able. I think that's Doc's plan for when/if he wakes up tomorrow, and I think tomorrow is when I will also have time to do a full writeup. I suspect that Nareed will have much to say once she get's back home (or, apparently, if she finds another good wifi connection. Looks like she just posted in the other thread while I've had this window open:-) ) I will also review Sunset Station, and probably write up my non-con activities. I'll cross-post those items to my blog.
"So as the clock ticked and the day passed, opportunity met preparation, and luck happened." - Maurice Clarett
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May 15th, 2012 at 10:56:19 PM permalink
I didn't want to open a thread to say I'll post later.

anyway, may I propose a blog post as well, for those who care to do so? I certainly will as well. it turns out some users primarily view the blogs. It would be great to have them at the next meetings.
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May 16th, 2012 at 4:01:54 PM permalink
When I am a little more awake and recovered, I may attempt to create a more detailed write-up of my WoVCon][ experiences. For now, I just want to post the few photos I have available and just the basic comments to let folks know who and what these are.

Friday night, my wife and I had dinner with Nareed at the 777 Brew Pub at Main Street Station, then joined Tiltpoul for "The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas" at the Plaza (a fine show!), then returned to Main Street Station for some craps with Nareed, Tiltpoul, TIMSPEED, rdw4potus, loach, and another WoV member whose ID I have forgotten -- he isn't very active here and didn't even know about WoVCon][; he just happened to be at Main Street Station playing craps and found himself surrounded by the others of us. I have a feeling that I have left someone off that list, but I don't have a photo of that gathering, so I can't remember. Other attendees, please help me out here. No offense intended to whomever I omitted; I'm just incompetent.

MSS was operating a $5 craps table when some of us started playing, but they soon raised the minimum to $10, grandfathering us in at $5. When the others arrived, the box man was not willing to let the others join us at $5, even after checking with the pit supervisor. We all colored up and were starting to move to another casino down the street (So was this a good/bad business move for MSS?) when we noticed that space had opened at the very next table where they still had it at $5, so we moved to "another casino" six feet away.

Saturday, we met at Four Queens for lunch and trivia. We could not all sit together, and I hardly got a chance to say more than "Hello" to some of the attendees. The pizza was good, and Nareed was the big winner at trivia.

I probably don't even have an accurate record of all who attended. I did get a couple of photos (posted on down below) and the names of those who were still there at photo time, but I know there were several who were around for lunch but who disappeared before I got a camera set up. Among that missing-from-the-photos group, there were at least NicksGamingStuff (whom I had met on Wednesday night while he was dealing), and rudeboyoi and one of his friends. Again, I ask the other attendees to help me out with the list of those I am overlooking.

One of the proposed events that did not take place during the weekend was an eating contest. At least I didn't hear of any. In recognition of the proposed activity, I'll just post this photo I took as we walked from Four Queens to El Cortez.

The plan had been to play single-deck blackjack at El Cortez. Unfortunately, the low-limit blackjack tables were crowded, and most of us weren't there for a $25 game. We decided to split up, with some of us playing craps, some playing blackjack, and some playing craps but moving to the BJ table as space became available. I'm not certain how everyone did wager-wise, but I think results were generally favorable. I had my best craps session of the week and even won a few dollars at blackjack. During the blackjack game, the Wizard continued to pose trivia questions. He made the mistake of moving into the subject area of musicals, and it appears that Tiltpoul is stronger than the Wizard at theatrical trivia.

Before we went inside to play, however, I took a couple of photos of the group. The first one shown below proves that we made it to El Cortez, but it may not be possible to recognize any of the individuals. The second one shows the attending members a little better, and from left to right they are rdw4potus, tupp, Wizard, loach, paisiello, Tiltpoul, Doc, and Nareed.

My wife declined to be in the photo because she said she is not really part of the WoV group, though she was there for lunch and trivia and played penny slots profitably while the rest of us were at the tables. I think she really skipped out on the photo so she could be in the air conditioned space rather than standing out on the sidewalk with us. I should note that her opinion (and mine) of El Cortez is quite different from the one we formed during our only previous visit. Not only were the tables and machines friendly on this visit, but the atmosphere/environment seemed much nicer.

Early Sunday evening, my wife and I picked up Nareed downtown for the trip out to Henderson. We stopped off at Arizona Charlie's Boulder to acquire a souvenir chip that says "Boulder" instead of "East" like the one I already had in my collection. Earlier in the weekend, rdw4potus had told me he had been out there for the same purpose and found that they only had "East" chips in the racks. When we got there, I went straight to the cage and found a very helpful cashier who searched through her supply to find a "Boulder" one for me as well as one for rdw4potus. She even cleaned the chips for me with some alcohol-based sanitizer and paper towels. I couldn't believe it. In order to meet my flimsy rules for my collection, Nareed and I played $2 craps for a few minutes before leaving.

We had dinner at Fiesta Henderson then joined the rest of the group. Not everyone we had been expecting that evening showed up, but we had some fun anyway. The plan had been to play whatever game Paigowdan was dealing that night and perhaps to embarrass Dan if we could. He was rotating on three games, and all three tables were quite busy the entire evening. Not only could our group not get in to play together at any of them, we had difficulty even snagging Dan for a photo.

Some of us played craps -- all of the favorable variance observed at El Cortez had failed to migrate to Henderson. That game represented my worst craps session of the week. Some of the group moved on to no-commission PGP when space was available, in hopes to play the game while it was being dealt by the inventor. I only made it to that table to watch for a while, and Dan was not the dealer then.

We eventually caught Dan on his break and got a photo. Dan asked two or three or four people where we could take the photo such that it revealed that we were in the casino but would not offend anyone. I don't think he got a straight, definitive answer from anyone, so we just set it up and snapped the photo. Immediately, Dan's boss showed up to say he shouldn't allow photos to be taken with the pit in view. I'll just leave it to Dan to explain to the young female dealer how her photo wound up posted on the internet.

The attendees for the Fiesta Henderson gathering as shown below left to right are tupp, rdw4potus, Paigowdan, Doc, and Nareed.

Edit 5/17: Just remembered that Tiltpould was as Fiesta Henderson also but had to leave before we took the photo.

It was a fun weekend, and I look forward to the next time.
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May 16th, 2012 at 4:18:55 PM permalink
Quote: Doc

This is the first time I've seen Nareed. Not what
I expected. Reminds me of when Bill Murray wakes
up in Tootsie and see's Dustin Hoffman dressed as
a woman and says "Mom?"

What a motley group, though. Looks like the weekly
meeting for Middle Age Crisis Anonymous has just
let out. Or the accountants convention is in Vegas
again. I would have fit right in..
"It's not called gambling if the math is on your side."
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May 16th, 2012 at 5:49:08 PM permalink
Sounds like great fun. If I hadn't just had twins, and this wasn't Mother's Day weekend, I might have made it. Next year!
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May 16th, 2012 at 5:58:53 PM permalink
Like I said in my of been there...but family obligations called...
Gambling calls to this ~>
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May 16th, 2012 at 6:07:42 PM permalink
Thanks for the photos Doc. It sounds like eveyone had a good time. What were some of the trivia questions? Did anyone play darkside during the good Craps session at ElCo?

Compliments on the shirt Doc.
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May 16th, 2012 at 6:15:27 PM permalink

I would have liked to be there too.

Too bad the ShuffleMaster Focus Group wasn't just a week later.....
I invented a few casino games. Info: ————————————————————————————————————— Superstitions are silly, childish, irrational rituals, born out of fear of the unknown. But how much does it cost to knock on wood? 😁
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May 16th, 2012 at 6:27:15 PM permalink
Quote: Ayecarumba

Thanks for the photos Doc. It sounds like eveyone had a good time. What were some of the trivia questions? Did anyone play darkside during the good Craps session at ElCo?

Compliments on the shirt Doc.

1. Who painted "The Scream?"
2. Which McDonald's character is often shown with a shake?
3. What is the OFFICIAL currency of Macau?
4. What is the tallest mountain in South America?
5. What is the capital of Australia?
6. Which PLAYABLE character from the board game Clue is missing? Mrs. White, Mrs. Peacock, Miss Scarlet, Colonel Mustard, Mr. Green, BLANK
7. How many times more powerful is an earthquake from 4.0 to 8.0 on the Richter scale?
8. There are three states of matter: Gas, Liquid and Solid. There is another state recently discovered that forms as temperatures reach absolute zero... what is the name of this state?
9. Which two people from the Old Testament never died?
10. What was the place that Pinnochio went after leaving Gepetto, where he became a donkey?
11. Which superhero was seen or talked about in every episode of Seinfeld?
12. Which TV show featured the first interracial kiss?
13. What was the name of Chairman Mao's plan to get China out of the recession?
14. Which US President who promised "A chicken in every pot and a car in every garage?"
15. What is Lady Gaga's first name?
16. What sport does the phrase "Throw in the towel" come from?

Incidentally, I took second in the contest, only 1 point behind Nareed.
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May 16th, 2012 at 7:50:47 PM permalink
Quote: Tiltpoul

8. There are three states of matter: Gas, Liquid and Solid. There is another state recently discovered that forms as temperatures reach absolute zero... what is the name of this state?

Ack! Don't tell plasma there are only four states of matter and the fourth is found at very cold temperatures.
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May 16th, 2012 at 8:16:05 PM permalink
Quote: ChampagneFireball

Ack! Don't tell plasma there are only four states of matter and the fourth is found at very cold temperatures.

That was a complaint by several participants at the time the trivia question was posed.
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May 16th, 2012 at 8:31:33 PM permalink
Quote: Doc

That was a complaint by several participants at the time the trivia question was posed.

Yes, I admit I forgot about plasma. However, Doc, I thought you were going to get it right, despite the bad phrasing.
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May 16th, 2012 at 8:43:21 PM permalink
I think I'd have got 10. What was the winning score?

I think the Clue characters have slightly different names in the UK, though (where it's called Cluedo).
"Then you can admire the real gambler, who has neither eaten, slept, thought nor lived, he has so smarted under the scourge of his martingale, so suffered on the rack of his desire for a coup at trente-et-quarante" - Honore de Balzac, 1829
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May 16th, 2012 at 8:47:19 PM permalink
Quote: thecesspit

I think I'd have got 10. What was the winning score?

9.5- scored by Nareed. I was second, with 8.5, next closest was 5.5.
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May 16th, 2012 at 8:53:32 PM permalink
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May 16th, 2012 at 9:52:13 PM permalink
Quote: Tiltpoul

9.5- scored by Nareed. I was second, with 8.5, next closest was 5.5.

I'm confident I would have gotten 5 correct without guessing at all, so I doubt I would have been competitive, but there's a few where I could have put up some educated guesses (haven't checked all the answers yet).
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May 16th, 2012 at 9:59:36 PM permalink
i just posted a very long and rambling blog about my WOVcon ][ weekend experiences. To sum up:

1. It was great meeting/seeing everyone
2. Thank you Nareed for the candy
3. Thank you Doc for the Arizona Charlie's chip
4. Thank you Wiz for the book
5. Thank you Sunset Station for the positive variance, but
6. Screw you Sunset Station for the resort fee and upgrade fee
7. CalNevAri has permanently shut their table game
8. The dice table at Fiesta Henderson has some serious bounce
9. Is it May 2013 yet? WOVcon ]l[ is coming... (is that symbol right? How did we decide to make the 3?)
"So as the clock ticked and the day passed, opportunity met preparation, and luck happened." - Maurice Clarett
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May 16th, 2012 at 10:00:09 PM permalink
Quote: Tiltpoul

9. Which two people from the Old Testament never died?

This one is bothering me as I was raised in a Christian household and studied the Old Testament a lot until the end of high school. I can only think of one.
Quote: Tiltpoul

15. What is Lady Gaga's first name?

Did you guys count spelling on this one? I would have gotten it wrong on spelling but correct with some lenience.
"So drink gamble eat f***, because one day you will be dust." -ontariodealer
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May 16th, 2012 at 10:07:45 PM permalink
Quote: AcesAndEights

This one is bothering me as I was raised in a Christian household and studied the Old Testament a lot until the end of high school. I can only think of one.

Did you guys count spelling on this one? I would have gotten it wrong on spelling but correct with some lenience.

Elijah and Enoch

L-A-D-Y. What's so hard about that? :-) no, no spelling requirement. Mike just read the answers aloud, so whoever would've graded your paper (we just traded sheets) wouldn't have know the proper spelling necessarily.
"So as the clock ticked and the day passed, opportunity met preparation, and luck happened." - Maurice Clarett
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May 16th, 2012 at 10:11:19 PM permalink
Quote: Wizard

Yes, I admit I forgot about plasma. However, Doc, I thought you were going to get it right, despite the bad phrasing.

I admit I was mostly just hassling you about plasma. I had no chance to get that question correct; the last time I took a science class was spring of 1966, when you were probably still wearing diapers, and I almost never read any science material any more. I have been conscientiously striving to let my gray cells atrophy. It's annoyingly difficult to maintain extreme confidence in your biases if you continue to gather new understandings.
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May 16th, 2012 at 11:58:25 PM permalink
Without looking, my answers...

1. Who painted "The Scream?"
Edvard Munch
2. Which McDonald's character is often shown with a shake?
3. What is the OFFICIAL currency of Macau?
4. What is the tallest mountain in South America?
5. What is the capital of Australia?
6. Which PLAYABLE character from the board game Clue is missing? Mrs. White, Mrs. Peacock, Miss Scarlet, Colonel Mustard, Mr. Green, BLANK
Professor Plum
7. How many times more powerful is an earthquake from 4.0 to 8.0 on the Richter scale?
No idea, think it is some order of magnitude so I'll say 400.
8. There are three states of matter: Gas, Liquid and Solid. There is another state recently discovered that forms as temperatures reach absolute zero... what is the name of this state?
9. Which two people from the Old Testament never died?
Elijah and Enoch
10. What was the place that Pinnochio went after leaving Gepetto, where he became a donkey?
Pleasure Island
11. Which superhero was seen or talked about in every episode of Seinfeld?
12. Which TV show featured the first interracial kiss?
Star Trek Original
13. What was the name of Chairman Mao's plan to get China out of the recession?
Great Leap Forward?
14. Which US President who promised "A chicken in every pot and a car in every garage?"
15. What is Lady Gaga's first name?
Don't know
16. What sport does the phrase "Throw in the towel" come from?

Were the Hawaiian shirts worn in tribute the Wizard, or were they sui generis? Tiltpoul and rdw, you guys have the exact same fashion sense. I think it is a Midwest thing.
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May 17th, 2012 at 12:01:58 AM permalink
WHOA, how about using the spoiler tags, please...
these have only been up for a day..
thanks :)

by the way i think you got at least 12 right...
In a bet, there is a fool and a thief. - Proverb.
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May 17th, 2012 at 4:23:32 AM permalink
Quote: teddys

Without looking, my answers...

You would have gotten 12 points. You missed #14. I pointed out that #14 has a musical theater reference, which is why I answered that one correctly.

Quote: teddys

Were the Hawaiian shirts worn in tribute the Wizard, or were they sui generis? Tiltpoul and rdw, you guys have the exact same fashion sense. I think it is a Midwest thing.

That is the closest thing I have to a Hawaiian shirt. That being said, I liked the shirt last year. It looks better dressed up a little bit, instead of shorts and sandals.
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May 17th, 2012 at 7:32:27 AM permalink
Quote: Tiltpoul

You would have gotten 12 points. You missed #14. I pointed out that #14 has a musical theater reference, which is why I answered that one correctly.

Ah. A good question would be what musical theater reference. Now that I know what President said that (I looked it up. Not what I expected), I can guess what the musical is.

"Dice, verily, are armed with goads and driving-hooks, deceiving and tormenting, causing grievous woe." -Rig Veda 10.34.4
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May 17th, 2012 at 9:01:31 AM permalink
Quote: Ibeatyouraces

Little known fact that Aconcaguas summit is further away from the center of the earth than the summit of Everest and in my book this makes it the actual highest point on earth. Everest is only "higher" because it height starts
from sea level.

Chimborazo is a volcano nearly on the equator (-1.47 degrees latitude) and is the highest point in Ecuador. It would be the highest mountain on the planet measuring from the center of the earth.

Aconcaguas is the highest "non-technical" summit on the planet, because it is possible to summit without ropes, pickaxes and oxygen. People die anyway, because they don't take it seriously enough as you are still oxygen starved and it can get cold. It is actually further from the equator than Everest.
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May 17th, 2012 at 10:20:20 AM permalink
Quote: teddys

Were the Hawaiian shirts worn in tribute the Wizard...?

That is exactly what was proposed in advance for the Saturday gathering, the only one that the Wizard was expected to attend. My wife was wearing a shirt that matched mine exactly, as we were trying to go as the stereotypical American tourists, with me carrying a camera around my neck all of the time -- except when it was on tripod and timer taking the photos with me in them.
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May 17th, 2012 at 10:43:43 AM permalink
Quote: rdw4potus

Elijah and Enoch

GAH! Of course...
Enoch walked with god, and then was no more...
"So drink gamble eat f***, because one day you will be dust." -ontariodealer
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May 17th, 2012 at 11:00:21 AM permalink
Oh, my goodness. I just realized that I left off one of the funnier moments of the trip. I hope TIMSPEED doesn't mind me telling this story...

At MSS, Tim and his mom played craps with the group. They ordered two Fireballs, expecting to get shots of cinnamon whiskey. Can't really blame them there, since Fireball is a cinnamon flavored whiskey. What they received instead were two fireball mixed drinks - cinnamon schnapps and Tabasco. Tim sipped his and said "holy sh*t! That tastes like piss. Mom, don't drink that!" and his mom took a sip anyway...and then made a face that any passer-by would probably guess would mean "God damnit...I just drank piss. Arrrrrgggghhhhh!!!" I felt bad laughing at her misfortune, but I couldn't help it either:-)

Edited: Tastes like...
"So as the clock ticked and the day passed, opportunity met preparation, and luck happened." - Maurice Clarett
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May 17th, 2012 at 11:25:24 AM permalink
Quote: rdw4potus

At MSS, Tim and his mom played craps with the group.

Dang! I was so absolutely clueless that I didn't realize that she was Tim's Mom!

In spite of the incident with the schnapps, Tim seemed to be having quite the high time, and I was left with the impression that he had just downed a month's supply of amphetamines. Talk about livening up a table! 'Twas great to have you with us for even the one evening -- I still think you should have spent the whole weekend with the WoV crowd instead of the family wedding party.

I just remembered that Tiltpoul was with us at Fiesta Henderson but had to leave before we took the photo. I revised my earlier post to note this. Was Tim there briefly, too? Did I leave anyone else out? Can anyone tell me who else I left out from the lunch bunch at Four Queens? I should have been taking notes.
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May 17th, 2012 at 11:28:44 AM permalink
Quote: teddys

Ah. A good question would be what musical theater reference. Now that I know what President said that (I looked it up. Not what I expected), I can guess what the musical is.


That's the correct answer. Of course, if you only saw the movie, you would be unaware of the correct answer.
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May 17th, 2012 at 11:31:03 AM permalink
Quote: rdw4potus

Oh, my goodness. I just realized that I left off one of the funnier moments of the trip. I hope TIMSPEED doesn't mind me telling this story...
At MSS, Tim and his mom played craps with the group. They ordered two Fireballs, expecting to get shots of cinnamon whiskey. Can't really blame them there, since Fireball is a cinnamon flavored whiskey. What they received instead were two fireball mixed drinks - cinnamon schnapps and Tabasco. Tim sipped his and said "holy sh*t! That takes like piss. Mom, don't drink that!" and his mom took a sip anyway...and then made a face that any passer-by would probably guess would mean "God damnit...I just drank piss. Arrrrrgggghhhhh!!!" I felt bad laughing at her misfortune, but I couldn't help it either:-)

SERIOUSLY! That was THE WORST drink I have EVER tasted. It's the HELL did anyone come up with THAT?!?
LoL, About the meth...I'm ALWAYS like that at the crap table...cuz all too often I'm at the vP machine sitting quietly playing...
And unfortunately family took precendence...although in the end, it was worthless as they just wanted to go to a $$ bar and drink.
I ALMOST hit up the Fiesta though, as we were RIGHT THERE at 5pm (went out to Hoover Dam) but we needed to get on the road, as it was we got home at 1am.
Gambling calls to this ~>
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May 17th, 2012 at 11:31:30 AM permalink
Okay, having checked, I think I'd have gotten 8.5... if the half is for one of the Old Testament guys.

Damnations. Need more Anglicized questions ;)
"Then you can admire the real gambler, who has neither eaten, slept, thought nor lived, he has so smarted under the scourge of his martingale, so suffered on the rack of his desire for a coup at trente-et-quarante" - Honore de Balzac, 1829
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May 17th, 2012 at 11:37:45 AM permalink
Quote: thecesspit

Okay, having checked, I think I'd have gotten 8.5... if the half is for one of the Old Testament guys.

Damnations. Need more Anglicized questions ;)

For the record, Nareed's half point came from the Biblical question. Mine came from the first name and an original guess of the last name... I changed it at the last minute to a composer's name, but the unusual spelling of the first name warranted a half point. Tupp's half point on the first question is actually really funny. He thought it was Edward Muncher... this sparked an argument for most of the rest of the afternoon.
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May 17th, 2012 at 11:40:28 AM permalink
That should be zero points... it's EdVard :)
"Then you can admire the real gambler, who has neither eaten, slept, thought nor lived, he has so smarted under the scourge of his martingale, so suffered on the rack of his desire for a coup at trente-et-quarante" - Honore de Balzac, 1829
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May 17th, 2012 at 11:48:15 AM permalink
Quote: thecesspit

That should be zero points... it's EdVard :)

Yes, I know I got that one right. My initial answer was Edvard Minsk, then I changed it to Edvard Grieg (the Norweigan composer of Peer Gynt). But I did get the V part correct, so the Wiz awarded a half point.
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May 17th, 2012 at 11:48:50 AM permalink
I was more saying Tupp should have gotten a 0 :)
"Then you can admire the real gambler, who has neither eaten, slept, thought nor lived, he has so smarted under the scourge of his martingale, so suffered on the rack of his desire for a coup at trente-et-quarante" - Honore de Balzac, 1829
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May 17th, 2012 at 11:57:08 AM permalink
" "holy sh*t! That takes like piss." Now if he had said, this smells like piss, I would understand. But taste ??? LOL
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May 18th, 2012 at 8:19:56 PM permalink
Quote: Tiltpoul

Incidentally, I took second in the contest, only 1 point behind Nareed.

Really? I had no idea.

But I should say this: I had not answered the first question at first, and I put down "Munch" without knowing whether that was the answer. So you came closer than you think.

BTW, I had an advantage in questions 4, 7, 9 and 12:

4) People from Latin America are more likely to have studied the continent's geography in school than people from other places.
7) Living in a seismically active zone, you get to know the Richter scale intimately. Besides with the many recent quakes, it's been much in the news and on a science show I listen to every day.
9) I got half a point on that one. But everyone brought up Jewish knows Elijah was carried to Heaven an is expected to return someday. Though I'm sure the good Father would have gotten the full point on that one.
12) I'm a rehabilitated Trekkie :)
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May 18th, 2012 at 8:55:33 PM permalink
I'm glad you liked the candy. If you want more, I'd be happy to mail you some.

Quote: rdw4potus

9. Is it May 2013 yet? WOVcon ]l[ is coming... (is that symbol right? How did we decide to make the 3?)

Well, as I recall there was an Apple ]I[, so that would be the number. I'm not sure I should organize the next one, though. On the one hand, I realized I made some mistakes in the choices of venue, which I could correct for next year. On the other hand, the informal tradition is that someone else organizes it every year.

Oh, well. It's still a bit early. But if I can do it, it will be along the same date range and very likely also in Downtown.
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May 18th, 2012 at 10:17:39 PM permalink
I'm just gonna go ahead and say what we're all thinking... Nareed would look hot as a guy.
Wish I could have been there!
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May 18th, 2012 at 11:35:53 PM permalink
Based on teddys answers...

Fourth State of Matter at near-absolute zero AND recently discovered...
Bose-Einstein Condensate
Plasma is the 4th, but not at near-absolute zero. Technically the spoiler is the 5th discovered state of matter.
Edit: BTW if looking up the spoiler at Wikipedia, read the "Attractive Interactions" section.

Earthquake Question:
10,000 times as powerful (10^4)

Old Testament Guys, 1/2 point

Not sure about Mao's Plan... my guess
The Agricultural Revolution

I agree with teddys on A chicken in every pot, though he has ?

I got the Macau currency wrong,
Don;t know L. Gaga's 1st name, but I could Wiki that.

Aussy Capitol I got wrong.
I think teddys got the McDonalds Question right (I agree and apparently guessed correct), And the interracial kiss, yup...Clue, agreed (I guessed correctly), Pinnochio I don;t know, I never saw that Disney film, and the towel question, yup, Superhero on Seinfeld, yup, The Scream... 1/2 point, I spelled it with a W (sigh).
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May 19th, 2012 at 3:19:10 AM permalink

when do we get the official answers?

1. Who painted "The Scream?"

Just browsed an article not so long ago and can't come up with it. X

2. Which McDonald's character is often shown with a shake?

the Hamburgler?

3. What is the OFFICIAL currency of Macau?

Chinese Yuan?

4. What is the tallest mountain in South America?

Andes is the range, is that also the answer?

5. What is the capital of Australia?


6. Which PLAYABLE character from the board game Clue is missing? Mrs. White, Mrs. Peacock, Miss Scarlet, Colonel Mustard, Mr. Green, BLANK

Professor Plum. This wouldn't come to me for the longest. +

7. How many times more powerful is an earthquake from 4.0 to 8.0 on the Richter scale?

10,000 times. +

8. There are three states of matter: Gas, Liquid and Solid. There is another state recently discovered that forms as temperatures reach absolute zero... what is the name of this state?

News to me. X

9. Which two people from the Old Testament never died?

There must be people who we never find out their fate. Is that what you are looking for? Clueless. X

10. What was the place that Pinnochio went after leaving Gepetto, where he became a donkey?

Clueless. X

11. Which superhero was seen or talked about in every episode of Seinfeld?

Completely missed this going on. Spiderman?

12. Which TV show featured the first interracial kiss?


13. What was the name of Chairman Mao's plan to get China out of the recession?

The Great Leap Forward.

14. Which US President who promised "A chicken in every pot and a car in every garage?"

Herbert Hoover.

15. What is Lady Gaga's first name?


16. What sport does the phrase "Throw in the towel" come from?

the next time Dame Fortune toys with your heart, your soul and your wallet, raise your glass and praise her thus: “Thanks for nothing, you cold-hearted, evil, damnable, nefarious, low-life, malicious monster from Hell!”   She is, after all, stone deaf. ... Arnold Snyder
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May 19th, 2012 at 5:45:35 AM permalink
Quote: odiousgambit


when do we get the official answers?

I can do the official answers after I get off work this evening...

Be prepared, too. I'm working on a new thread of musical theater trivia. It won't be on a daily basis, but I'd like to get topics out once or twice a week. I'm testing it on a coworker, and my first category was very tough for him.
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May 19th, 2012 at 5:48:59 AM permalink
Quote: Nareed

BTW, I had an advantage in questions 4, 7, 9 and 12:

If that's the case, then I had an advantage on the the Chicken in every pot question and Lady Gaga's first name..

The Chicken question, as I mentioned, is a line featured in a song in the musical, which teddys got right.

My brother-in-law's roommate is a chef at a restaurant. While in Nebraska, she was eating there, where the wait staff told her she looked like Lady Gaga. She kept denying it heavily, and they wouldn't let up until they were convinced it wasn't her. When she got to the counter, she gave her credit card, which had her real name on it. She lifted her sunglasses, and said "Gotcha!" They all posed for pictures afterwards, and I guess she was really cool about the whole thing.
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May 19th, 2012 at 6:55:45 AM permalink
Quote: Tiltpoul

If that's the case, then I had an advantage on the the Chicken in every pot question and Lady Gaga's first name..

Oh, I forgot that one. I know her full name. I'm not a fan, though I do like some of her songs, but I came across it and I remembered it. I also know Madonna's name :)
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May 19th, 2012 at 8:51:52 PM permalink
Between what's already been posted, both here and in the blogs, I don't think I can add much of anything. Really, the fun in WoVCon is meeting and chatting with the people you meet here, and those who are a delightful surprise (Tupp, I'm looking at you). But recounting the chats is tedious if you weren't there.

I did note some mistakes I made. One was choosing a place I didn't know for the lunch. Another was picking a gambling activity with limited seating, even had the table been empty. Next time we need to have lunch where we can all seat at one table, or push tables together. And for gambling either something that can hold many people, or divide it into groups (should that work). We wound up doing just that anyway.

Thinking back on it, I shouldn't have worn the same skirt twice running. It wasn't the same, actually. I just liked it so much I bought two :) Yes, I know it would look better in heels, but in Vegas you have to be a little crazy to wear heels, unless you also have carbon-fiber tendons. Anyway, I found wearing long, flowing skirts both a plus and a minus. On one hand they are pretty cool (as well as pretty and cool), as they trap air which forms a good barrier to heat (on the same principle that Bedouins wear long, flowing robes in the desert), and they also shield my legs from the sun. On the other hand, a strong breeze blows them all over the place, so that I get to have a Marilyn moment and need to hold them down. I also got a long, brown A-line skirt to match a different blouse.

One thing I did right, I think, was handing out party favors. It wasn't much, just a bag with a small assortment of Mexican candies, and a little label that read "Souvenir from WoVCon ][" with the place and date. But people seemed to like them.

You can blame, or thank, that on my mother. She really engraved on me some rules of manners I still follow, like tipping and not letting your guests go away empty handed (within reason, of course). I'm sure many dealers I've met would thank her.

What else is there? Doc was kind enough to pick me up and then drop me off at the 4 Queens on the night of WoVCon ][.1. I deeply appreciate this, as I'd have had a hard time getting to the Fiesta Henderson using the bus system (another topic I should tackle later), and Vegas cabs are hellishly expensive. I thought Mexico City cabs were bad, until now. He makes light of it, but it was a very nice gesture.

I got lucky with the trivia contest, too. Here's one answer no one's mentioned yet. Lady Gaga's first name is
Just for kicks the rest of her name is
Joanne Angelina Germanotta
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May 20th, 2012 at 2:09:17 AM permalink
Answers courtesy of teddys, who got most of them correct.

1. Who painted "The Scream?"
Edvard Munch
2. Which McDonald's character is often shown with a shake?
3. What is the OFFICIAL currency of Macau?
4. What is the tallest mountain in South America?
5. What is the capital of Australia?
6. Which PLAYABLE character from the board game Clue is missing? Mrs. White, Mrs. Peacock, Miss Scarlet, Colonel Mustard, Mr. Green, BLANK
Professor Plum
7. How many times more powerful is an earthquake from 4.0 to 8.0 on the Richter scale?
10,000 times
8. There are three states of matter: Gas, Liquid and Solid. There is another state recently discovered that forms as temperatures reach absolute zero... what is the name of this state?
Bose-Einstein Condensate
9. Which two people from the Old Testament never died?
Elijah and Enoch
10. What was the place that Pinnochio went after leaving Gepetto, where he became a donkey?
Pleasure Island
11. Which superhero was seen or talked about in every episode of Seinfeld?
12. Which TV show featured the first interracial kiss?
Star Trek Original
13. What was the name of Chairman Mao's plan to get China out of the recession?
Great Leap Forward
14. Which US President who promised "A chicken in every pot and a car in every garage?"
15. What is Lady Gaga's first name?
16. What sport does the phrase "Throw in the towel" come from?
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May 21st, 2012 at 11:09:00 AM permalink
Quote: Tiltpoul

Answers courtesy of teddys, who got most of them correct.

1. Who painted "The Scream?"
Edvard Munch
2. Which McDonald's character is often shown with a shake?
3. What is the OFFICIAL currency of Macau?
4. What is the tallest mountain in South America?
5. What is the capital of Australia?
6. Which PLAYABLE character from the board game Clue is missing? Mrs. White, Mrs. Peacock, Miss Scarlet, Colonel Mustard, Mr. Green, BLANK
Professor Plum
7. How many times more powerful is an earthquake from 4.0 to 8.0 on the Richter scale?
10,000 times
8. There are three states of matter: Gas, Liquid and Solid. There is another state recently discovered that forms as temperatures reach absolute zero... what is the name of this state?
Bose-Einstein Condensate
9. Which two people from the Old Testament never died?
Elijah and Enoch
10. What was the place that Pinnochio went after leaving Gepetto, where he became a donkey?
Pleasure Island
11. Which superhero was seen or talked about in every episode of Seinfeld?
12. Which TV show featured the first interracial kiss?
Star Trek Original
13. What was the name of Chairman Mao's plan to get China out of the recession?
Great Leap Forward?
14. Which US President who promised "A chicken in every pot and a car in every garage?"
15. What is Lady Gaga's first name?
16. What sport does the phrase "Throw in the towel" come from?

thanks, didn't know it was confirmed correct. There is a question mark after #13 indicated he presumably wasnt sure, but the answer is correct, one of the few I knew confidently.
the next time Dame Fortune toys with your heart, your soul and your wallet, raise your glass and praise her thus: “Thanks for nothing, you cold-hearted, evil, damnable, nefarious, low-life, malicious monster from Hell!”   She is, after all, stone deaf. ... Arnold Snyder
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May 21st, 2012 at 11:26:10 AM permalink
Quote: odiousgambit

thanks, didn't know it was confirmed correct. There is a question mark after #13 indicated he presumably wasnt sure, but the answer is correct, one of the few I knew confidently.

I got that fixed in an edit. As I said, I basically copied Teddys answers and changed the incorrect ones to the correct ones.

I think I mentioned I wanted to start a musical theatre trivia thread, though I may expand it to a version of Outburst, with unlimited answers.

BTW, stay tuned to my blog posts for my musings on my WoVCon trip. I'm very detailed, so it's taking me a while to write them, but it's still a good time remembering my trip.
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May 22nd, 2012 at 3:03:06 PM permalink
Quote: Tiltpoul

I think I mentioned I wanted to start a musical theatre trivia thread, though I may expand it to a version of Outburst, with unlimited answers.

Please do, that would be a lot of fun. I'm not nearly as good at musical theater as I am at history and geography, though.
"Dice, verily, are armed with goads and driving-hooks, deceiving and tormenting, causing grievous woe." -Rig Veda 10.34.4
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