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August 5th, 2019 at 1:20:39 PM permalink
Quote: beachbumbabs

I'm not saying that any of those factors are inherently bad, or the primary reason in themselves that we're seeing an escalation of mass shootings. I'm saying that, together, they create an echo chamber of solidarity and support for people who were formerly isolated and repressed in their expression of resentment.

I'm also.not saying that every RPG slaughterer is going to go out and swing a semi-automatic through a school. But there are more than enough damaged individuals to wreak havoc.

Today is the 216th day of 2019. Dayton was the 250th MASS shooting this year. Not to mention domestic and gang shootings.

The "50 deaths per year from mass shootings" Stat quoted above is misleading because it's over 10 years. EACH of the last 3 years, including the current one, has seen an escalation in shootings and deaths from the previous year.

I'm trying to evaluate other factors besides the proliferation of guns to find points worth addressing in taking action. Some of them are social, some physical, some cultural. I do think sensible gun laws need to be implemented. Mental health issues connected with psychosis and armament have to be a primary focus.

But just like you don't shout "fire" in a crowded theater, or joke about luggage bombs in the TSA line, we need to stop enabling behavior, culture, and methods of reinforcing suicide by cops and mass killings of innocents.

Reference, including definition of mass shooting for this calculation :
If the House lost every hand, they wouldn't deal the game.
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August 5th, 2019 at 2:06:56 PM permalink
I at least admire your consistency. I recall years ago beginning to learn of your politics and thinking "This mofo is the most authoritarian person I know" lol. As one who also admires your "Pick one" policy, I can't fault you on either!

But I'm not sure what good further discussion will do. While I may fear damaging the 2nd, I have little concern of them uprooting the 4th or trashing the whole doc in its entirety, which is what you're promoting. And I do find beliefs that .gov forces are going to do something to be baseless. Very roughly half the folks who are directly involved with keeping me free are LEO / military ret., and there's not a single officer I know personally (10 that I can think of right now) that are anything but a carbon copy of myself. There are no antis or even wishy-washy fence sitters, I know of not one that's anything but fully, almost frighteningly, "Molon Laabe".


We used to have a tall boy of Miller Genuine Draft that we kept in the dorm fridge. "The Violator" we called it. Wasn't for drinking, was a protest over dry campus rules lol. That, admittedly, was more youthful assholery than righteous resistance, especially considering I was but 17 at the time =p

I no longer break rules just to break them as I've gotten over that sort of youthful arrogance and antisocial behavior. But when it comes to protest, absolutely. For example, my pharmaceutic experimentation days are over and I've no want to be near much of what you posted, but I absolutely have weed in my house. In NY, too, so add it to the charges, #WGAF. It's not anti-social, it's not edge lorditis. It's simply that it's what I have found that can fill the hole of both a lack of psychiatric options for mental distress and a failure of Big Pharm in the arena of pain management. Society has not found an answer to my needs, and that is right as rain because society owes me nothing. But I believe in personal freedom, and if I have found a way, AND that way harms no other, then I have a RIGHT to my way.

On that topic, yes, I engage in the same type of resistance. I don't roll down the street in a cloud to shove it in others' faces; that puts others in danger. I don't burn in public; that violates others. I don't pass out joints at gatherings; that's irresponsible. But I do sit right on my front porch at my pond and burn one without care, and I see no reason anyone can say otherwise. When my street started turning into Government Row, I still sat there. When the Sheriff moved in next door, I still sat there. I'm not going to be frightened into a corner in my basement like a GD animal when I've done nothing but been a human being who is undergoing suffering. So damn right I'm going to be front and center in protest. This is me. I am you. Destroy me if you dare.

Dunno what else to do as I'm not much of a deep thinker. Most of my training revolves around physical solutions, and all of those that I possess are thankfully completely within the defensive realm. But this (both guns and drugs) can't be solved with a physical solution and I've no idea how to fix it otherwise. So I stand. It's all I know to do.
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August 5th, 2019 at 2:33:29 PM permalink
The dark web might allow you to purchase exotic plant drugs, known in other countries but not here.
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August 5th, 2019 at 2:42:24 PM permalink
Like FACE might be fine if he could chew Coca leaves all day.
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August 5th, 2019 at 2:42:53 PM permalink
Quote: MaxPen

In Magan speak kubikulann means retarded pretentious prick.

That is a slow conspicuous finger bleed in case anyone is wondering what I meant. Don't go jumping to conclusions. I am open to translating anything to Magan at no charge.

What’s alpha mike sierra in Magan? :)
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August 5th, 2019 at 2:44:59 PM permalink
Quote: Face

I at least admire your consistency. I recall years ago beginning to learn of your politics and thinking "This mofo is the most authoritarian person I know" lol. As one who also admires your "Pick one" policy, I can't fault you on either!

Thanks! I'd like to think that I'm less authoritarian than I used to be. I do value consistency in political beliefs as opposed to sometimes holding a general concept as a fundamental value, and sometimes not holding a general concept as a fundamental value, all dependent on whether or not one likes what the general concept results in at the time. I feel like we see that pretty often when it comes to a person selectively holding the Tenth Amendment as a fundamental value and sometimes not. Even then, there is a mechanism that supersedes the Tenth Amendment which is simply to create a contrary Federal law. Unfortunately for those who wish to apply the Tenth Amendment selectively, Federal laws can be difficult to enact.

I also think that you see it with sometimes valuing an individual's social freedom (in matters where the greater public safety is not threatened) and sometimes not.


But I'm not sure what good further discussion will do. While I may fear damaging the 2nd, I have little concern of them uprooting the 4th or trashing the whole doc in its entirety, which is what you're promoting. And I do find beliefs that .gov forces are going to do something to be baseless. Very roughly half the folks who are directly involved with keeping me free are LEO / military ret., and there's not a single officer I know personally (10 that I can think of right now) that are anything but a carbon copy of myself. There are no antis or even wishy-washy fence sitters, I know of not one that's anything but fully, almost frighteningly, "Molon Laabe".

I'm not really promoting trashing the concept of the Constitution, just making a new one rather than trying to interpret what the Founding Fathers would have done if they were faced with the same issues that we are currently. The Founding Fathers are not omniscient gods who could clairvoyantly see some of these issues happening, much less offer guidance on them. I also don't have a problem with many fundamental Constitutional concepts, except for the fact that they are often overreaching or limiting in what we can do now. Finally, given the partisan nature inherent in today's political environment, as well as the hatred and disdain that many on both sides have towards the other, I fail to see how any Constitutional Amendments have a non-zero probability of coming into being.

Thanks for teaching me a new Greek phrase, I'd never heard that one before.


We used to have a tall boy of Miller Genuine Draft that we kept in the dorm fridge. "The Violator" we called it. Wasn't for drinking, was a protest over dry campus rules lol. That, admittedly, was more youthful assholery than righteous resistance, especially considering I was but 17 at the time =p

You made the comparison, not me, I stopped short!


I no longer break rules just to break them as I've gotten over that sort of youthful arrogance and antisocial behavior. But when it comes to protest, absolutely. For example, my pharmaceutic experimentation days are over and I've no want to be near much of what you posted, but I absolutely have weed in my house. In NY, too, so add it to the charges, #WGAF. It's not anti-social, it's not edge lorditis. It's simply that it's what I have found that can fill the hole of both a lack of psychiatric options for mental distress and a failure of Big Pharm in the arena of pain management. Society has not found an answer to my needs, and that is right as rain because society owes me nothing. But I believe in personal freedom, and if I have found a way, AND that way harms no other, then I have a RIGHT to my way.

I'm in favor of the complete legalization of marijuana at the Federal level. Further, I'm in favor of the immediate release of any prisoners who are doing time for any non-violent act related exclusively to marijuana. I agree with you completely that it can be made a drug only potentially harmful to the user if it is legalized and regulated. Perhaps as importantly, the legal sale would be a tremendous source of potential tax revenue which is much needed in this time of deficit.


On that topic, yes, I engage in the same type of resistance. I don't roll down the street in a cloud to shove it in others' faces; that puts others in danger. I don't burn in public; that violates others. I don't pass out joints at gatherings; that's irresponsible. But I do sit right on my front porch at my pond and burn one without care, and I see no reason anyone can say otherwise. When my street started turning into Government Row, I still sat there. When the Sheriff moved in next door, I still sat there. I'm not going to be frightened into a corner in my basement like a GD animal when I've done nothing but been a human being who is undergoing suffering. So damn right I'm going to be front and center in protest. This is me. I am you. Destroy me if you dare.

I agree with you 100% as relates marijuana use. I'm not aware of any way that one person can directly and immediately kill a group of non-marijuana users simply by using marijuana.


Dunno what else to do as I'm not much of a deep thinker. Most of my training revolves around physical solutions, and all of those that I possess are thankfully completely within the defensive realm. But this (both guns and drugs) can't be solved with a physical solution and I've no idea how to fix it otherwise. So I stand. It's all I know to do.

If you're not a deep thinker, then my depth is no greater than that of a shallow puddle. I've always admired your thought process and free-flowing and poetic writing style when you choose to exhibit it. I equally admire your attention to detail and ability to tell a story. I wish I had those qualities, but I find it difficult to write in any tone other than, "Matter of fact."
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August 5th, 2019 at 2:50:17 PM permalink
Quote: RS

What’s alpha mike sierra in Magan? :)

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August 5th, 2019 at 3:13:02 PM permalink
Quote: beachbumbabs

Reference, including definition of mass shooting for this calculation :

So the way I read that, this weekends shooting where 20 were killed and 26 wounded would count for 46 mass shootings?

They aren't saying there was 250 individual occurrences of a shooter [s) shooting or killing 4 or more persons, iianm?

The way it is written is to inflame peoples consciences, and most that read that, jump to the conclusion that there has been individual mass shootings of more than once per day this year, correct?
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August 5th, 2019 at 3:27:50 PM permalink
Quote: Mission146

I'm not really promoting trashing the concept of the Constitution, just making a new one rather than trying to interpret what the Founding Fathers would have done if they were faced with the same issues that we are currently. The Founding Fathers are not omniscient gods who could clairvoyantly see some of these issues happening, much less offer guidance on them. I also don't have a problem with many fundamental Constitutional concepts, except for the fact that they are often overreaching or limiting in what we can do now. Finally, given the partisan nature inherent in today's political environment, as well as the hatred and disdain that many on both sides have towards the other, I fail to see how any Constitutional Amendments have a non-zero probability of coming into being.

The beauty of the Constitution is that it makes it hard to get things done. It should be hard to amend. We had to throw out Prohibition. The income tax and direct election of senators were both bad amendments. Most laws restrict freedom. True, we need a few to address issues that come up, but we could do this with congress in session half the time it is now. When a government can change the laws fast, that is a very bad thing. A road to tyranny.
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August 5th, 2019 at 3:39:18 PM permalink
Quote: AZDuffman

The beauty of the Constitution is that it makes it hard to get things done. It should be hard to amend. We had to throw out Prohibition. The income tax and direct election of senators were both bad amendments. Most laws restrict freedom. True, we need a few to address issues that come up, but we could do this with congress in session half the time it is now. When a government can change the laws fast, that is a very bad thing. A road to tyranny.

Restrict freedom? Like, the freedom to register to vote in the place where you spend the majority of the year and pay various taxes? That kind of freedom?

I agree that it should be hard to amend the Constitution, but I'm not in favor of it being virtually impossible.

I'm actually not opposed to the Sixteenth Amendment, because while it gives Congress the power to enact laws to lay and collect taxes on incomes, it does not actually require Congress to do so. In other words, the income tax itself can be nullified simply by way of Congress deciding not to collect an income tax anymore. It's also why Congress can easily change the percentages and tax brackets.

Why are you not in favor of the direct election of Senators? I would think that, 'Freedom,' would be less restricted if voters have the ability to directly elect as many of their lawmakers as possible. Did you oppose the 17th Amendment, I don't know, two years ago?
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August 5th, 2019 at 3:57:19 PM permalink
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August 5th, 2019 at 4:11:12 PM permalink
Quote: Mission146

Restrict freedom? Like, the freedom to register to vote in the place where you spend the majority of the year and pay various taxes? That kind of freedom?

You would have to point me to where it restricts this. But it has been beaten to death.


Why are you not in favor of the direct election of Senators? I would think that, 'Freedom,' would be less restricted if voters have the ability to directly elect as many of their lawmakers as possible. Did you oppose the 17th Amendment, I don't know, two years ago?

Simple. The idea was the House represents the people. the Senate was supposed to represent the states. When we had indirect elections we did not have senators beholden to the people and promising all kinds of goodies. We did not have unfunded mandates. I have opposed this since I read more and went to some constitution presentations, about 10 years ago.

The whole beauty of the Constitution is how indirect everything is. They had indirect election of Senators. Electoral College. Staggered Senate terms. SCOTUS appointed and confirmed. It means slow change, which means stability. A good thing.

France at least claimed to have based their revolution on ours. How many governments have they had in less time, even if you throw out occupation governments?
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August 5th, 2019 at 4:22:08 PM permalink
Quote: AZDuffman

Simple. The idea was the House represents the people. the Senate was supposed to represent the states. When we had indirect elections we did not have senators beholden to the people and promising all kinds of goodies. We did not have unfunded mandates. I have opposed this since I read more and went to some constitution presentations, about 10 years ago.

The people are the states, they're inseparable. There is no state, as an entity, absent any people. Can you tell the physical area that is Pennsylvania to select its own Senators of those living there? The State Legislators who would have originally voted for the Federal Senate members could just promise to try to vote in people who are promising stuff, so it's just the same thing you're suggesting by proxy.


The whole beauty of the Constitution is how indirect everything is. They had indirect election of Senators. Electoral College. Staggered Senate terms. SCOTUS appointed and confirmed. It means slow change, which means stability. A good thing.

France at least claimed to have based their revolution on ours. How many governments have they had in less time, even if you throw out occupation governments?

I don't know anything about the political history of France.
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August 5th, 2019 at 4:30:00 PM permalink
Freedom is the problem, let's get rid of it.
I am a robot.
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August 5th, 2019 at 4:44:31 PM permalink
Quote: Mission146

The people are the states, they're inseparable. There is no state, as an entity, absent any people. Can you tell the physical area that is Pennsylvania to select its own Senators of those living there? The State Legislators who would have originally voted for the Federal Senate members could just promise to try to vote in people who are promising stuff, so it's just the same thing you're suggesting by proxy.

Lets not talk silly. We both know I mean the House is to represent the people directly and the Senate pre-amendment was to represent the state as a government entity. The legislature understands the states have needs that the people do not appreciate. Take a look at federal spending and note how it started a never-ending uphill climb after the start of direct election of Senators.

Lets take fracking as an example. People in CA and NY are against it. That is a huge base. But WV, PA, ND, and some others are benefiting greatly from it. The legislature selecting the Senators stand up for what is good for the state. Direct election and the Senators are just glorified House members, prone to bend to the less informed populance.
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August 5th, 2019 at 5:00:07 PM permalink
Quote: AZDuffman

Lets not talk silly. We both know I mean the House is to represent the people directly and the Senate pre-amendment was to represent the state as a government entity. The legislature understands the states have needs that the people do not appreciate. Take a look at federal spending and note how it started a never-ending uphill climb after the start of direct election of Senators.

The people ARE the Government entity, there is no Government absent people. I hate to appeal to authority, but I'm sure Toby Keith would have my back on this one, and he wrote the song that should be our national anthem. I'm not even kidding.

Never ending uphill climb? Clinton and the Republican Congress balanced the budget, spending has been under control in my lifetime.


Lets take fracking as an example. People in CA and NY are against it. That is a huge base. But WV, PA, ND, and some others are benefiting greatly from it. The legislature selecting the Senators stand up for what is good for the state. Direct election and the Senators are just glorified House members, prone to bend to the less informed populance.

People vote in favor of what they consider their own interests? You don't say. Californians and New Yorkers are mainly concerned with the environmental impact for two reasons:

1.) Because they gaf about the environment, for whatever reason. I don't really care about the environment much at all, unless we can somehow benefit the environment and promote economic growth at the same time.


2.) Because what happens in PA, WV and ND does not have an immediate and direct economic impact on Californians and New Yorkers! So, why would Californians and New Yorkers care if (some) residents of those other states are becoming moderately wealthy, overnight, just by leasing off their mineral rights? The counties can afford to improve the schools! AWESOME! Californians, New Yorkers, other Democrats are generally in favor of more education spending, but only on their terms.

In any event, I would argue that the Senate and House act as a system of checks and balances upon one another. I guess you could theoretically have a Senate that does what you suggest, but my opinion is it would have to be (at least on the surface) non-partisan.
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August 5th, 2019 at 5:00:20 PM permalink
Quote: beachbumbabs

Reference, including definition of mass shooting for this calculation :

wikipedia -mass shooting

A mass shooting is an incident involving multiple victims of firearms-related violence. There is no widely accepted definition of the term "mass shooting", although it is normally understood to exclude mass killings as a result of terrorist, authorised law enforcement or authorised military actions. The United States' Congressional Research Service acknowledges that there is not a broadly accepted definition, and defines a "public mass shooting" as an event where someone selects four or more people indiscriminately, and KILLS them, echoing the FBI's definition of the term "mass murder"

--emphasis in quote above mine--

Mass Shootings: Definitions and Trends


Summary: There is no standard definition of what constitutes a mass shooting. Media outlets, academic researchers, and law enforcement agencies frequently use different definitions when discussing mass shootings, leading to different assessments of how frequently mass shootings occur and whether they are more common now than they were a decade or two ago.

We could continue to argue back and forth forever on what constitutes a "mass shooting" but since there is NO ACTUAL definition of it we will just be banging our heads against the wall. Different websites, news organizations, media outlets, etc, define "mass shootings" differently based upon their agenda.
new motto for the left: “I don't know if I received bad information, but I think I suspected there was more than there actually was,” (John Brennan Mar 25, 2019)
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August 5th, 2019 at 5:04:30 PM permalink
This entire thread should be flushed down the toilet.
So many better men, a few of them friends, are dead. And a thousand thousand slimy things live on, and so do I.
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August 5th, 2019 at 5:15:53 PM permalink
Quote: gordonm888

This entire thread should be flushed down the toilet.

No. Face and I said very nice things to one another that we also believe to be true, for one example. We need more of that around here. It's possible to disagree while still liking and respecting another person while acknowledging their strengths.
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August 5th, 2019 at 5:28:58 PM permalink
Quote: Mission146

The people ARE the Government entity, there is no Government absent people. I hate to appeal to authority, but I'm sure Toby Keith would have my back on this one, and he wrote the song that should be our national anthem. I'm not even kidding.

Never ending uphill climb? Clinton and the Republican Congress balanced the budget, spending has been under control in my lifetime.

The people are the government in that they elect the government. But the government has to act like parents telling the kids not to eat all that candy sometimes. Balancing the budget does not mean spending did not go up. Look at spending per GDP before 1910 and look at it now.


People vote in favor of what they consider their own interests? You don't say. Californians and New Yorkers are mainly concerned with the environmental impact for two reasons:

1.) Because they gaf about the environment, for whatever reason. I don't really care about the environment much at all, unless we can somehow benefit the environment and promote economic growth at the same time.


2.) Because what happens in PA, WV and ND does not have an immediate and direct economic impact on Californians and New Yorkers! So, why would Californians and New Yorkers care if (some) residents of those other states are becoming moderately wealthy, overnight, just by leasing off their mineral rights? The counties can afford to improve the schools! AWESOME! Californians, New Yorkers, other Democrats are generally in favor of more education spending, but only on their terms.

But their "care for the environment" is often not in check with reality. Bunch of people in downstate NY get scared of the word "fracking" and cost the southern tier tens of millions. They think gas just magically appears at their stove and gasoline comes from the gas station. With the Senate as a brake, this kind of nonsense ban does not spread to the nation as rational heads do not get run over by the mob. This follows for all kinds of laws and programs. If the Senate was not direct elect the states would not have the unfunded mandates Congress loves to impose because the Senate would hear from the legislatures that the states cannot afford it all.


In any event, I would argue that the Senate and House act as a system of checks and balances upon one another. I guess you could theoretically have a Senate that does what you suggest, but my opinion is it would have to be (at least on the surface) non-partisan.

The Senate is supposed to be a brake on the House, the 1/3 every 2 years re-election alone is done to ensure this. But it worked better before.
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August 6th, 2019 at 6:29:15 AM permalink
Quote: MaxPen

In Magan speak kubikulann means retarded pretentious prick.

That is a slow conspicuous finger bleed in case anyone is wondering what I meant. Don't go jumping to conclusions. I am open to translating anything to Magan at no charge.

Quote: RS

What’s alpha mike sierra in Magan? :)

Quote: MaxPen


You've gone way over the line with these, MaxPen.

Personal insult, trolling. 7 days.
If the House lost every hand, they wouldn't deal the game.
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August 6th, 2019 at 6:37:32 AM permalink
Mexico has the strictest gun laws. ammo is illegal to own. But they have a blood bath of gun fights. Switzerland has very few gun related homicides and they are pro gun.
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August 6th, 2019 at 8:26:07 AM permalink

Cancun is indifferent to gun death of tourists. A place with the strictest gun laws.

Usa is also indifferent to deaths of foreigners I feel my families murder cases were affected by their race.
Born in Texas and lived in Texas my whole life.
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August 6th, 2019 at 8:26:37 AM permalink
Quote: jjjoooggg

Mexico has the strictest gun laws. ammo is illegal to own. But they have a blood bath of gun fights. Switzerland has very few gun related homicides and they are pro gun.

Seriously, you're comparing an underdeveloped or at best developing country neighboring the world's largest weapon manufacturer to the financial and humanitarian jewel of Europe. Better comparison would've been Canada rather than Mexico.
Don't beat yourself up over past mistakes, you are going to f*** up again in the future, quite possibly in the most spectacular fashion, why worry about yesterday's f*** up's when you have tomorrow's f*** up's to look forward to? You are a f*** up, and f***** up is part of your growth process, embrace the process.
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August 6th, 2019 at 8:47:17 AM permalink
Monterrey, mexico is the top commercial city in all of Latin America ( including south america and central america). Nafta destroyed mexico's economy. Mexico is the size of the USA. Mexico had industrial sectors destroyed like farming equipment after the 10% tarriff was lowered. USA has sought the natural resources of Mexico's mines with NAFTA.

While your making comparisons. USA's economy is so bad right now that I believe Russian min wage workers and European min wage workers are better off than American min wage workers.. The rent has at least doubled in the last 30 years. College has +500%. Russians enjoy lower rent and tuition.
Born in Texas and lived in Texas my whole life.
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August 6th, 2019 at 9:01:20 AM permalink
Quote: jjjoooggg

While your making comparisons. USA's economy is so bad right now that I believe Russian min wage workers and European min wage workers are better off than American min wage workers.. The rent has at least doubled in the last 30 years. College has +500%. Russians enjoy lower rent and tuition.

Just finished reading fascinating book about the crumbling middle class and retirees that cant really retire and are moving into RV's
I highly recommend reading it
Really opened my eyes to a part of the population in this country that are pretty much ignored
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August 6th, 2019 at 9:07:02 AM permalink
Mexico is about 1/5 the size of the USA.
Not discussing reasons for their status quo, just noting that comparing countries gun violence rates while disregarding their economical and financial status isn't statistically sound even ground.
Don't beat yourself up over past mistakes, you are going to f*** up again in the future, quite possibly in the most spectacular fashion, why worry about yesterday's f*** up's when you have tomorrow's f*** up's to look forward to? You are a f*** up, and f***** up is part of your growth process, embrace the process.
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August 6th, 2019 at 9:16:57 AM permalink
Even then, I’ll see that one country and raise him twenty.
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August 6th, 2019 at 9:19:53 AM permalink
Quote: beachbumbabs

You've gone way over the line with these, MaxPen.

Personal insult, trolling. 7 days.

Just saw this after a few posts.

Going off line for a week in support of Max. Maybe a few more will and let this become a liberal sh*thole with every liberals dream, no debate or discussion, only their “superiority” complex towards others for a week.
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August 6th, 2019 at 9:26:02 AM permalink
Quote: Boz

Just saw this after a few posts.

Going off line for a week in support of Max. Maybe a few more will and let this become a liberal sh*thole with every liberals dream, no debate or discussion, only their “superiority” complex towards others for a week.

Bye Felicia.
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August 6th, 2019 at 9:40:30 AM permalink
Quote: Boz

Just saw this after a few posts.

Going off line for a week in support of Max. Maybe a few more will and let this become a liberal sh*thole with every liberals dream, no debate or discussion, only their “superiority” complex towards others for a week.

Calling someone a, "Retarded pretentious prick," doesn't qualify as an insult but is rather only seen as so due to liberal bias? I would say that calling someone that certainly reflects a bias, not so much getting banned for calling someone that.

I'm pretty sure I lean liberal and I'm pretty sure I'm debating and discussing things. I'm also pretty sure that BBB outwardly expressed agreement with AZDuffman on a CONSERVATIVE talking point in another thread, as did I.
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August 6th, 2019 at 10:14:34 AM permalink
Quote: Boz

Just saw this after a few posts.

Going off line for a week in support of Max. Maybe a few more will and let this become a liberal sh*thole with every liberals dream, no debate or discussion, only their “superiority” complex towards others for a week.

OK, Boz. See you then. Sorry you can't see how personally insulting both references were, deliberately so.
If the House lost every hand, they wouldn't deal the game.
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August 6th, 2019 at 10:24:34 AM permalink
Quote: beachbumbabs

You've gone way over the line with these, MaxPen.

Personal insult, trolling. 7 days.

For the record, let it be known that I didn’t feel offended.
As a matter of fact, I AM pretentious. That is no insult.
And ‘retarded’, well... I’m the one who used it erroneously first.

I will take seven days off to show solidarity.
Reperiet qui quaesiverit
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August 6th, 2019 at 10:31:41 AM permalink
Quote: kubikulann

For the record, let it be known that I didn’t feel offended.
As a matter of fact, I AM pretentious. That is no insult.
And ‘retarded’, well... I’m the one who used it erroneously first.

I will take seven days off to show solidarity.

Ok, kubi, your call just like it is Boz's. But the board has a standard, regardless of your non-offense to what was directed at you.

I let several marginal things slide among you guys in this particular discussion, trying to allow for some free expression and ribbing, but Max was beyond the general acceptability for anyone here, well established over hundreds of previous suspensions, so I had to suspend.
If the House lost every hand, they wouldn't deal the game.
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August 6th, 2019 at 12:27:32 PM permalink
Quote: Mission146

I don't know anything about the political history of France.

Don't lose your head over it.
'Emergencies' have always been the pretext on which the safeguards of individual liberty have been eroded.
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August 6th, 2019 at 12:35:21 PM permalink
Quote: AZDuffman

.... direct election of senators


1913 was a really bad year.
'Emergencies' have always been the pretext on which the safeguards of individual liberty have been eroded.
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August 8th, 2019 at 1:49:13 PM permalink
Too many guns out there and people lose their tempers and start shooting
A car line at an elementary school
Road Rage, one parent starts shooting at another parent in front of an elementary school
The person getting shot at runs into the school for safety
The shooter I guess realizes this is really wrong shooting at another parent at an elementary school at walks into the school and lays the gun down on the counter and waits for police.
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August 8th, 2019 at 2:36:06 PM permalink
Has anyone ever heard of a mass shooting continuing once return fire commenced? I haven't, so the sooner return fire starts the sooner killers cease and desist.

It seems this shooting happened in very close proximity to a "no gun zone" sign.
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