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April 29th, 2018 at 7:58:47 AM permalink
Has anyone ever had stem cell treatment?

In particular, stem cell treatment for COPD (respiratory problems breathing).

From age 62-67, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my daily 1hour lap of swimming at the Y.

Unfortunately, I also got pneumonia early last year, and I’ve been struggling ever since. I havent enjoyed the water since 1 Dec 2017, or almost 6 months.

Not ready to throw in the towel just yet.

I’ve done considerable research, reading, and corresponding with some doctors and clinics. My pulmonologist believes stem cell treatment continues to look positive, and will eventually be FDA-approved. Currently, stem cell treatment is neither a drug nor a device.

I have a good picture idea of the procedures and what’s involved. I am ok with the fact that it’s not a reimbursable medical expense (yet), that there’s no guarantees, and that it will cost around $10K for one session, not including travel and hotel and incidental costs.

While I am not experiencing pain, there’s a lot to be said about discomforts and the misery of missing my daily swims. It’s a catch 22, because I know I need daily exercise. But I struggle just to walk 15 steps (a BIG 30 steps round trip!) to the mailbox. My usual 15 min showers now take 30-45 min, because of the effort exerted.

Other than that, I have my wits about me, and I still see the glass as half-filled vs half empty!

Thanks in advance for sharing your experiences!
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April 29th, 2018 at 8:18:01 AM permalink
Go for it man. Hope it works out. It probably works, that's my theory why Bush nixed federal funding for research.
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April 29th, 2018 at 8:19:00 AM permalink
The wealthiest person I’ve ever personally known (billions) got stem cells in his knee and seems to be doing great.
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April 29th, 2018 at 8:29:52 AM permalink
Quote: gamerfreak

The wealthiest person I’ve ever personally known (billions) got stem cells in his knee and seems to be doing great.

Yes its working really well and its only five grand per knee if you go to Phoenix for it. People actually getting out of wheel chairs and walking out of the office twenty minutes after the second visit.

Remember of course that synovial fluid is rarely studied in a normal joint, only in diseased joints. And its mainly studied in the knee and simply assumed to be the same in other joints. No real research into the issue.

Pleuripotent cells are the "future" and in some areas the future is now but there are risks. The particular type of cell you will want is an AEP cell. Article on this stuff was in Nature quite a while ago.

COPD and long history of exposure to chlorine (pools and showers). Controversy there.

Any lung concerns and I'd start off with MEGA doses of vitamin D (D3, I think). Add B2, E, Mito-Q just to be sure its not a mitochondrial condition presenting as COPD.

Pneumonia? The old man's friend. Been taking care of your dental hygiene? Its oral pathogens that migrate that often cause pneumonia.
Last edited by: FleaStiff on Apr 29, 2018
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April 29th, 2018 at 8:59:03 AM permalink
"Clearwater for a health procedure", was a red flag.

Better do your research.

"During about the first 6 weeks after transplant, until the new stem cells start making white blood cells (engraftment), you can easily get serious infections. Bacterial infections are most common during this time, but viral infections that were controlled by your immune system can become active again. Fungal infections can also be an issue. And even infections that cause only mild symptoms in people with normal immune systems can be quite dangerous for you." ACS

"Pneumonia is the main cause of morbidity and mortality after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation." Springer

"Pulmonary infections from bacterial, fungal, and viral organisms are a major cause of morbidity and mortality in patients after HSCT." Journal
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April 29th, 2018 at 9:14:04 AM permalink
Those knee injections are likely Platelet Rich PlasmaTherapy . There's a difference.
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April 29th, 2018 at 10:58:32 AM permalink
Quote: Tanko

Those knee injections are likely Platelet Rich PlasmaTherapy . There's a difference.

You may be correct, I was merely posting something I had read about a few years ago but not really studied. However, I do not think that PRPT requires the harvesting and processing of belly fat first.
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April 29th, 2018 at 9:08:04 PM permalink
Quote: tanko

"Clearwater for a health procedure", was a red flag.

Better do your research.

I don’t know much about Clearwater, so that city must carry a reputation I just don’t know about. I’ve been researching (1) where is stem cell treatment currently practiced and (2) what do the respected journals/organizations say about stem cell treatment.

If you have time to explain the red flag part, that would be great!

Thanks for taking time to add your extra notes - got to review all the links!
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April 29th, 2018 at 9:16:12 PM permalink
Quote: FleaStiff

Yes its working really well and its only five grand per knee if you go to Phoenix for it. People actually getting out of wheel chairs and walking out of the office twenty minutes after the second visit.

Remember of course that synovial fluid is rarely studied in a normal joint, only in diseased joints. And its mainly studied in the knee and simply assumed to be the same in other joints. No real research into the issue.

Pleuripotent cells are the "future" and in some areas the future is now but there are risks. The particular type of cell you will want is an AEP cell. Article on this stuff was in Nature quite a while ago.

COPD and long history of exposure to chlorine (pools and showers). Controversy there.

Any lung concerns and I'd start off with MEGA doses of vitamin D (D3, I think). Add B2, E, Mito-Q just to be sure its not a mitochondrial condition presenting as COPD.

Pneumonia? The old man's friend. Been taking care of your dental hygiene? Its oral pathogens that migrate that often cause pneumonia.

Dental hygiene - yup, doing good

Chlorine from pools/showers - catch 22. Uncomfortable swimming open water, so I rely on pool at our YMCA.

Vitamins and supplements - recently had a very uncomfortable and long-lasting experience taking iron pill supplements, so I’ll stay away from those for now. But I appreciate the info for possible future use.

Wish it were $5 grand per lung!!!!

Thanks for your comments - I’m getting more helpful info from the WOV forum members than elsewhere!
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May 11th, 2018 at 2:54:57 AM permalink
Vitamins; Most vitamin formulations for men past fifty declare on the label "iron free".

FDA filed for permanent injunction against major Florida stem cell clinic alleging excessive risks to public.
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