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February 28th, 2019 at 9:25:29 AM permalink
Quote: beachbumbabs

Yeah, you're right. Trump has taken this country so far down the crapper as a world power it was a sit-down among near-equals. So what did it hurt? /sarcasm

Trump is legitimizing Kim on the world stage. No other US President has been foolish enough to recognize the Kim regime as an entity worth negotiations. Kim is a murderous despot, starving his people, with a goal of nuclear annihilation for any perceived threats. He has millions of people imprisoned in gulags and slave camps. And Trump is not just recognizing him, he's calling him a friend and making excuses for his disgusting practices.

What an abuse and squandering of American diplomacy and standing. Just awful.

Kim has nukes, so he has made himself a power there. Like it or not, you have to deal in reality. We have talked with the USSR, the nation that invented the gulag system, not to mention starving his own people and worse. (Uncle Joe!) Obama dealt with Iran, an equally repressive regime.

A year or so ago you were on here screaming that Trump taunting Kim would stat a nuclear war. Now you are unhappy that he acts diplomatic. So which do you want?
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February 28th, 2019 at 9:25:38 AM permalink
Quote: boymimbo

Of course the criticism is that he should have had moral compassion for other people's moral weaknesses given his own struggles.

This. I have no problem getting help when they need it. I have a problem with hypocrites who decry drug abuse while at the same time abusing drugs themselves. There should be one set of rules for everybody.
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February 28th, 2019 at 9:27:58 AM permalink
Quote: beachbumbabs

Yeah, you're right. Trump has taken this country so far down the crapper as a world power it was a sit-down among near-equals. So what did it hurt? /sarcasm

Trump is legitimizing Kim on the world stage. No other US President has been foolish enough to recognize the Kim regime as an entity worth negotiations. Kim is a murderous despot, starving his people, with a goal of nuclear annihilation for any perceived threats. He has millions of people imprisoned in gulags and slave camps. And Trump is not just recognizing him, he's calling him a friend and making excuses for his disgusting practices.

What an abuse and squandering of American diplomacy and standing. Just awful.

The USA has never looked weaker
Every dictator on the planet is chuckling knowing all they have to do is lie to Trump and he will believe them
What a chump we have for a President
no balls and he has the most powerful military on the planet backing him
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February 28th, 2019 at 9:29:31 AM permalink
Quote: Steverinos

This. I have no problem getting help when they need it. I have a problem with hypocrites who decry drug abuse while at the same time abusing drugs themselves. There should be one set of rules for everybody.

There is a difference between getting hooked for legit pain and shoving coke up your nose or smoking meth for recreation. Sorry you are so cold hearted to not see the difference.
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February 28th, 2019 at 9:32:57 AM permalink
Quote: AZDuffman

There is a difference between getting hooked for legit pain and shoving coke up your nose or smoking meth for recreation. Sorry you are so cold hearted to not see the difference.

Of course there's a difference. Duh. But Rush should've noted that difference when he was hooked. He didn't. He lumped it all together. Sorry your blind loyalty to him prevents you from understanding where he went wrong.
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February 28th, 2019 at 9:39:01 AM permalink
Blew a lot of money on security and costs for 2 minutes in Vietnam Got nothing. But I guess any deal where Trump doesn't go bankrupt is EV plus.
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February 28th, 2019 at 9:40:13 AM permalink
Quote: Steverinos

Of course there's a difference. Duh. But Rush should've noted that difference when he was hooked. He didn't. He lumped it all together. Sorry your blind loyalty to him prevents you from understanding where he went wrong.

What and when did he "lump it all together?" I doubt you know because I doubt you have listened to 90 seconds of his show.
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February 28th, 2019 at 9:53:35 AM permalink
Oh he made statements about how everybody that gets caught abusing drugs "should be sent up", to prison, if they're caught buying or selling drugs. His maid apparently bought thousands of pills on the black market. He allegedly doctor shopped. Did he get sent up? He also cited race stats and said African-Americans go to jail more often for the same crimes, which is true, but he himself was a white person buying drugs on the black market that didn't go to jail. Again, we should have the same set of rules for everybody.

And at the end of the day, he appears to be a rehabbed man and I applaud him for that. When it comes to where I get my news, I can forgive somebody for recognizing their personal faults and taking steps to fix their lives. However, when it comes to delivering information to me, I will never forgive a proven hypocrite because that trust can never be earned back.

Plus, he's just a liar and wrong a large percentage of the time.. I don't have three hours in my daily routine to waste it on liars. Time is money.
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February 28th, 2019 at 10:01:08 AM permalink
Quote: Steverinos

Oh he made statements about how everybody that gets caught abusing drugs "should be sent up", to prison, if they're caught buying or selling drugs. His maid apparently bought thousands of pills on the black market. He allegedly doctor shopped. Did he get sent up? He also cited race stats and said African-Americans go to jail more often for the same crimes, which is true, but he himself was a white person buying drugs on the black market that didn't go to jail. Again, we should have the same set of rules for everybody.

And at the end of the day, he appears to be a rehabbed man and I applaud him for that. When it comes to where I get my news, I can forgive somebody for recognizing their personal faults and taking steps to fix their lives. However, when it comes to delivering information to me, I will never forgive a proven hypocrite because that trust can never be earned back.

Plus, he's just a liar and wrong a large percentage of the time.. I don't have three hours in my daily routine to waste it on liars. Time is money.

Lot of generalities there. He was targeted by the DA for politics, no denying that. As to being "wrong a large percentage of the time" sorry to say but this is just not true. He is about the most spot-on personality out there. Guy has a very high IQ. Lefties hate him because they have tried to duplicate his success but never do. They have wasted tens of millions of dollars trying.
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February 28th, 2019 at 10:53:32 AM permalink
Quote: rxwine

Blew a lot of money on security and costs for 2 minutes in Vietnam Got nothing.

Here's how this works. The deal was done
months in advance. All the paperwork was
done, the deal was thrashed out behind
closed doors by the minions on both sides.

All Trump and Kim were doing was the signing
formality. Big show, have lunch and dinner,
have a lot of photo shoots, sign the documents,
wave and go home.

But Kim tried to pull a fast one. He wants a different
deal, one where all sanctions are lifted and he only
gives up part of his nukes. This gives him leverage
down the road to get hard cash from us, like Obama
gave Iran.

But thank god, Trump is not Obama in any way shape
or form. He said screw you Little Rocket Man, and he
walked. Kim was the big loser here, all sanctions
remain in place.

Many are convinced that China put this idea in Kim's
head, he's visited China 4 times since he saw Trump
last. What's funny is, a couple foreign policy experts
were saying this very thing would happen and Trump
would cave, and come home as Kim's puppet, like
Obama caved to Iran.

But Trump is a real leader, a Ronald Reagan type of
leader. He stuck to his guns and did the right thing.
Now Kim (and China) know who they're dealing
with. Trump was the big winner here, he still holds
all the cards. Kim embarrassed himself and has
lost face. He'll be much more willing to deal
next time.
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February 28th, 2019 at 10:58:46 AM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

Here's how this works. The deal was done
months in advance. All the paperwork was
done, the deal was thrashed out behind
closed doors by the minions on both sides.

All Trump and Kim were doing was the signing
formality. Big show, have lunch and dinner,
have a lot of photo shoots, sign the documents,
wave and go home.

But Kim tried to pull a fast one. He wants a different
deal, one where all sanctions are lifted and he only
gives up part of his nukes. This gives him leverage
down the road to get hard cash from us, like Obama
gave Iran.

But thank god, Trump is not Obama in any way shape
or form. He said screw you Little Rocket Man, and he
walked. Kim was the big loser here, all sanctions
remain in place.

Many are convinced that China put this idea in Kim's
head, he's visited China 4 times since he saw Trump
last. What's funny is, a couple foreign policy experts
were saying this very thing would happen and Trump
would cave, and come home as Kim's puppet, like
Obama caved to Iran.

But Trump is a real leader, a Ronald Reagan type of
leader. He stuck to his guns and did the right thing.
Now Kim (and China) know who they're dealing
with. Trump was the big winner here, he still holds
all the cards. Kim embarrassed himself and has
lost face. He'll be much more willing to deal
next time.

Ever think about writing for comic books? You have an incredible ability to see things that simply aren't there. Most people outgrow this at an early age. It's a rarity to find an adult, or even a pseudo-adult that retains the ability.
I think the concept of Asians losing face went out about the time the Charlie Chan movies petered out but its good to see a small part of the population clings to such quaint notions.
Can anyone point me to the Obama/Iran photo op? I seem to have missed it.
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February 28th, 2019 at 10:59:22 AM permalink
Quote: AZDuffman

He is about the most spot-on personality out there. Guy has a very high IQ. l

Rush's high IQ is the secret to his
success. He has the ability to see
14 things at once and see the
thread that ties them all together,
and express it in a way that an
average person can understand.

I've seen Rush do 3 hours of radio
and never take a caller. And be
interesting as hell the whole time
and never repeat himself. All that
stuff is lined up in his super computer
brain in a way most people have no
way of doing.
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February 28th, 2019 at 11:02:44 AM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

This gives him leverage
down the road to get hard cash from us, like Obama
gave Iran.

Did we sell NK military equipment, take the money, and not deliver the equipment?
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February 28th, 2019 at 11:10:09 AM permalink
Quote: Steverinos

Did we sell NK military equipment, take the money, and not deliver the equipment?

Please don't introduce facts into this.
Any rational examination of the facts clearly shows that trump traveled 16,000 miles round trip to strategically stand up Kim at their lunch date. Embracing failure is what endears him to his legion of loyal followers.
Most leaders would have looked at the situation, realized there was no point in even having the summit and given up. Not Donny. He saw failure through and then declared victory and his peeps cheer him on.
The difference between fiction and reality is that fiction is supposed to make sense.
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February 28th, 2019 at 11:30:12 AM permalink
Boeing Secures $15.7 Billion Vietnam Orders During Trump's Hanoi Visit


Bamboo agreed to purchase 10 787-9 Dreamliners worth about $3 billion, while VietJet’s order is for 100 737 Max planes valued at $12.7 billion, Boeing said Wednesday. VietJet’s 100-plane commitment was unveiled at the Farnborough air show last year. The accords were signed in the presence of Trump and Vietnam’s President Nguyen Phu Trong.

emphasis mine
new motto for the left: “I don't know if I received bad information, but I think I suspected there was more than there actually was,” (John Brennan Mar 25, 2019)
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February 28th, 2019 at 11:36:19 AM permalink
Quote: Fleaswatter

Boeing Secures $15.7 Billion Vietnam Orders During Trump's Hanoi Visit


Bamboo agreed to purchase 10 787-9 Dreamliners worth about $3 billion, while VietJet’s order is for 100 737 Max planes valued at $12.7 billion, Boeing said Wednesday. VietJet’s 100-plane commitment was unveiled at the Farnborough air show last year. The accords were signed in the presence of Trump and Vietnam’s President Nguyen Phu Trong.

emphasis mine

We were going to get the business regardless
Any comment on Trump the chump giving Kim a pass an Warmbier
What a weak gullible president
If Obama gave Kim a pass, I would still be furious
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February 28th, 2019 at 2:57:21 PM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

All that
stuff is lined up in his super computer
brain in a way most people have no
way of doing.

No, Rush has a "stack of stuff". He sure has you fooled.
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February 28th, 2019 at 3:06:04 PM permalink
Quote: rxwine

No, Rush has a "stack of stuff". He sure has you fooled.

He uses his stack of stuff to trigger the narrative
that's already in his brain. He doesn't write the
show beforehand, he reads the news and then
delivers his take on it.

Did you see's Kim's Maybach limo? It's the
finest luxury car in the world, they start at
about $175K. Rush Limbaugh has 6-8 of
them in his garage. One is for personal
use, one is his wife's, one is a limo made
to be chauffeur driven. The others are
for visiting guests to use.

All from having a high IQ and using it

This is the SoS:
"It's not called gambling if the math is on your side."
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February 28th, 2019 at 3:15:42 PM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

All from having a high IQ and using it

I don't know what Rush Limbaugh uses his head for, but I imagine Mensa members would use it as a coffee table.
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February 28th, 2019 at 3:25:58 PM permalink
Quote: rxwine

I don't know what Rush Limbaugh uses his head for,.

Go here for an hour and you'll
find out.

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February 28th, 2019 at 3:47:58 PM permalink
I have never been able to listen to two minutes much less an hour of rush and it has nothing to do with the content itself. That shrill nasally voice is worse than fingernails on a chalkboard and I’m not sure how anyone can listen to him speak without being tempted to drive into oncoming traffic.
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February 28th, 2019 at 4:09:52 PM permalink
Quote: mcallister3200

That shrill nasally voice i.

LOL! That's a new one, he has the
opposite of a shrill nasally voice.
Nice try.
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February 28th, 2019 at 4:13:56 PM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

Go here for an hour and you'll
find out.

No interest in hearing Rush rant about ancestors
Its just a forum. Nothing here to get obsessed about.
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February 28th, 2019 at 4:21:32 PM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

LOL! That's a new one, he has the
opposite of a shrill nasally voice.
Nice try.

Whatever you want to call it, that sound coming from his vocal chords does not sound like anything that should come out of a human being
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February 28th, 2019 at 6:32:45 PM permalink
Quote: mcallister3200

Whatever you want to call it,

All men with hit radio shows have
one thing in common: Great radio
voices. To come across well you
must have a deep voice to begin
with. Even the women do, listen
to how deep Laura's voice is.
I'd love to talk to her on the
phone, beautiful voice.
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March 1st, 2019 at 7:55:39 PM permalink
The Wall Street Journal's James Freeman notes that last year Elizabeth Warren said this on NBC:

"My mother and daddy were born and raised in Oklahoma. My daddy first saw my mother when they were both teenagers. He fell in love with this tall, quiet girl who played the piano. Head over heels. But his family was bitterly opposed to their relationship because she was part Native American. They eventually eloped.
If Native American ancestry was so distant on her mother's side that the senator has never been able to name any native relatives — and even now her own DNA expert cannot rule out the possibility that she has no such relatives at all — how would her father's family have known enough to object?"

Fauxcahontas has a mile wide trail of
fibs following her wherever she goes.
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March 1st, 2019 at 8:01:14 PM permalink
I don't know of any other topics she's lied about, but I will grant you this situation has been a mess.
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March 2nd, 2019 at 1:59:26 AM permalink
GOP in W. Va. shows it's hateful side - spreading lies about Muslims - implying that they're all terrorists
just about all of the successful anti-terror investigations were successful because of Muslims informing on terrorists

the foolish sayings of a rich man often pass for words of wisdom by the fools around him
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March 2nd, 2019 at 4:01:41 AM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

Fauxcahontas has a mile wide trail of
fibs following her wherever she goes.

I wonder whose fibs are more likely to get them sent to prison, Donald’s or Warren’s?
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March 2nd, 2019 at 6:58:05 AM permalink
Quote: ams288

I wonder whose fibs are more likely to get them sent to prison, Donald’s or Warren’s?

You are probably right. The Democrats will pursue every angle they can to find an offense that he can be charged with either in an impeachment proceeding or in a court of law. They will leave no stone undisturbed in this process. Warren will likely have some traction but is not as likable or charismatic as some of the other candidates, so she will fall to the side and continue in her role as a Senator. She will never go through the scrutiny that Trump will go through in that case.

Maybe it is the tax returns...let's say Trump ends up being guilty of something like cheating on his taxes and the amount could be large. It isn't "right" to cheat on your taxes, but how many people could be found guilty of that with an unlimited budget for investigation? I'm not saying it is not a crime or trying to dismiss what "could be" if people are correct about it. The IRS has had his tax returns for years--have they charged him? This is an investigation of a person in search of crime instead of an offense being investigated to find the criminal.

President Trump has done some things that I support and some things that are just plain stupid--like the Warmbier thing; he handled that about as poorly as possible. His tweets drive me nuts when they attack individuals instead of ideas. He wasn't my choice to be the President when the process all started. He should have lost the election, but his opponent failed to believe she could actually lose.

So here we are. An imperfect President. More imperfect than most. The Democrats hate the situation so much that they seem unwilling to work through it for the betterment of the country and the farther right Republicans squandered opportunities to do things when they had power. The problem is that the Democrats don't seem to realize WHY the Republicans lost power (they were not successful in power) and they are going down the same path...doing nothing is better than doing something.

No fence anywhere, even though they supported it a few short years ago...and I suspect many of them still do (though not a full wall) but can't support because of Trump.

No pressure to tie a fence to a DACA deal and get something done.

Will it go on and on? Or will Democrats do something big enough to keep the majority and possibly take the Presidency and the Senate?

We'll see...
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March 2nd, 2019 at 10:13:15 AM permalink
"Maybe it is the tax returns...let's say Trump ends up being guilty of something like cheating on his taxes and the amount could be large."

Unlikely in the extreme. The super rich
are in a constant never ending audit.
They have a team tax accountants
crossing the t's and dotting the i's.

Where you see tax fraud is in the
wannabe's like Cohen and his ilk.
If Trump was a tax cheat a Lib
inside the IRS would have outed
him before the election.

Trump doesn't want the Dems to
see who he gave money to over
the years. I suspect because he's a Dem
New Yorker Lib, he gave a lot of
money to them. This would look bad
to his base.

Rush Limbaugh makes over $100 mil
a year and has been in a continuous
audit since the late 90's. The IRS
doesn't expect to catch these people
cheating, they have too much to lose.
They just don't want to give them the
chance to cheat.
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March 2nd, 2019 at 10:50:16 AM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

If Trump was a tax cheat a Lib
inside the IRS would have outed
him before the election.

Trump doesn't want the Dems to
see who he gave money to over
the years. I suspect because he's a Dem
New Yorker Lib, he gave a lot of
money to them. This would look bad
to his base.

Agree 100% on both these points. I believe Trump has admitted to making donations to opposing candidates as a businessman, because you need the winner on your side. I know a local businessman who is anti Cuomo, but admits he makes his $5000 donation every year, 'the cost of doing business'! Dirty and ugly, YES! But this is the realworld of politics and high stakes business, unfortunately.

And although I do not have any first hand knowledge, I'd say most billionaire's tax returns are scrutinized by the IRS yearly.
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March 2nd, 2019 at 11:12:28 AM permalink

Agree 100% on both these points. I believe Trump has admitted to making donations to opposing candidates as a businessman, because you need the winner on your side. I know a local businessman who is anti Cuomo, but admits he makes his $5000 donation every year, 'the cost of doing business'! Dirty and ugly, YES! But this is the realworld of politics and high stakes business, unfortunately.

And although I do not have any first hand knowledge, I'd say most billionaire's tax returns are scrutinized by the IRS yearly.

If you are able to fool the scrutinizers at the IRS then using that as a defense is meaningless

There are hosts at casinos who scrutinize play to verify there is no promo abuse. I know how to fool them. So by your definition there is no promo abuse because the promos activity has been scrutinized

(I dont agree with the casinos terminology but they often call what I do abuse. Taking something offered for free without paying for it is abuse to them lol as if you are supposed to pay for something thats free)
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March 2nd, 2019 at 11:12:41 AM permalink
Quote: mcallister3200

I have never been able to listen to two minutes much less an hour of rush and it has nothing to do with the content itself. That shrill nasally voice is worse than fingernails on a chalkboard and I’m not sure how anyone can listen to him speak without being tempted to drive into oncoming traffic.

Yeah, his voice is far from broadcast desirable. But so is liberal Rachel Maddow's voice. This can go both ways.
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March 2nd, 2019 at 11:38:42 AM permalink
I don't know if I will get an honest answer, but here goes...

If you were FOR expanding the border fence to the 700-1000 miles supported by many Democrats a few years ago and you are AGAINST any additional fencing being added to that already existing, how long ago did your support for it change and why did it change?
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March 2nd, 2019 at 11:41:16 AM permalink
Quote: RonC

I don't know if I will get an honest answer, but here goes...

If you were FOR expanding the border fence to the 700-1000 miles supported by many Democrats a few years ago and you are AGAINST any additional fencing being added to that already existing, how long ago did your support for it change and why did it change?

Haven't you heard?
Orange man BAD.
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March 2nd, 2019 at 11:44:57 AM permalink
Quote: RonC

I don't know if I will get an honest answer, but here goes...

If you were FOR expanding the border fence to the 700-1000 miles supported by many Democrats a few years ago and you are AGAINST any additional fencing being added to that already existing, how long ago did your support for it change and why did it change?

I wasn't paying attention to the barrier issue even when Obama talked about it. I was paying attention to other aspects of immigration, particularly issues of reform, detention, dreamers and laws.
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March 2nd, 2019 at 11:47:21 AM permalink
Who do you think wrote the 80 thousand pages of IRS code, poor folk?
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March 2nd, 2019 at 11:58:35 AM permalink
Quote: rxwine

I wasn't paying attention to the barrier issue even when Obama talked about it. I was paying attention to other aspects of immigration, particularly issues of reform, detention, dreamers and laws.

What kinds of reform? How do you handle people here without proper documentation? What kind of laws do we need?

Powerful people in both parties like lot illegals being here. The spread of adding voting rights for people who are not citizens and the potential for a new block of voters for their side appeals to some Democrats. Underpaying people appeals to some Republicans. The parties aren't the same, but their individual needs match up to keep a lot of them from really wanting good, solid immigration reform.
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March 2nd, 2019 at 12:09:03 PM permalink
Quote: RonC

What kinds of reform? How do you handle people here without proper documentation? What kind of laws do we need?

Well, if we're going to do "Papers check" unlike piece of crap Sherriff Joe Arpaio we are not going to profile, we are going to do it to everyone at random stops. Everyone.

If an officer stops you and asks for citizenship papers you better be able to prove it. I'm going to subject Republicans to everything they want to do to suspected illegals..

If you're not fine with that, then we'll have to do something else.
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March 2nd, 2019 at 12:30:12 PM permalink
Quote: rxwine

Well, if we're going to do "Papers check" unlike piece of crap Sherriff Joe Arpaio we are not going to profile, we are going to do it to everyone at random stops. Everyone.

If an officer stops you and asks for citizenship papers you better be able to prove it. I'm going to subject Republicans to everything they want to do to suspected illegals..

If you're not fine with that, then we'll have to do something else.

I’m fine showing my citizenship if asked. Sheriff Joe was an American hero!
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March 2nd, 2019 at 12:39:21 PM permalink
Quote: AZDuffman

I’m fine showing my citizenship if asked. Sheriff Joe was an American hero!

Sheriff Joe is an unapologetic criminal and deserves to be put into his own tent city for a few months, see if he can survive it. Laws apply to all citizens, sheriffs too.
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March 2nd, 2019 at 12:42:22 PM permalink

And although I do not have any first hand knowledge, I'd say most billionaire's tax returns are scrutinized by the IRS yearly.

For sure quarterly, some are always
being monitored. They have so much
income from so many sources, and
so many deductions and so many
companies they own and employees,
a team of IRS people watches them.

I have a CPA friend who's told me a
lot about it. He says if you make under
$30K the IRS doesn't even know you're
alive, unless you do something stupid
like pay cash for a new car. It's the
over $100K people the IRS wants to catch,
biggest return for their time.

Did I ever tell the story of the $5000 refund
I got by accident and how I never paid it
back and it was legal?
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March 2nd, 2019 at 12:49:37 PM permalink
Quote: AZDuffman

I’m fine showing my citizenship if asked. Sheriff Joe was an American hero!

We like to refer to him as "Saint Joe" around these parts. Not enough constitutionally minded law enforcement officers to go around.

The fools that curse him, know not what they speak of.
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March 2nd, 2019 at 12:51:04 PM permalink
Quote: mcallister3200

Sheriff Joe is an unapologetic criminal and deserves to be put into his own tent city for a few months, see if he can survive it. Laws apply to all citizens, sheriffs too.

What crime is it that you think he is guilty of? Any specifics?
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March 2nd, 2019 at 1:10:31 PM permalink
Quote: darkoz

If you are able to fool the scrutinizers at the IRS then using that as a defense is meaningless

There are hosts at casinos who scrutinize play to verify there is no promo abuse. I know how to fool them. So by your definition there is no promo abuse because the promos activity has been scrutinized

(I dont agree with the casinos terminology but they often call what I do abuse. Taking something offered for free without paying for it is abuse to them lol as if you are supposed to pay for something thats free)

Given that the Trump Foundation was simply a way to benefit himself in would not be surprised if the IRS are still investigating his returns. And I have very little doubt that his tax returns look awful. Otherwise he would have presented them as great works of art. Likely the returns show very different what he claims to be, which doesn't matter anyway. People have already made up their mind that it either matters of doesn't.
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March 2nd, 2019 at 1:15:12 PM permalink
Quote: boymimbo

Given that the Trump Foundation was simply a way to benefit himself in would not be surprised if the IRS are still investigating his returns. And I have very little doubt that his tax returns look awful. Otherwise he would have presented them as great works of art. Likely the returns show very different what he claims to be, which doesn't matter anyway. People have already made up their mind that it either matters of doesn't.

I think he's also embarrassed that the totality of his tax returns will show how much he exaggerated his wealth every single year.
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March 2nd, 2019 at 1:30:15 PM permalink
Quote: boymimbo

Given that the Trump Foundation was simply a way to benefit himself in would not be surprised if the IRS are still investigating his returns. .

Sigh.. Again, billionaires are under a
constant and never ending audit.
Everything they do is scrutinized.
Teams of IRS people are assigned
to these people, it's all they do.

One IRS team might have 4-5 super
rich people they're assigned to, and
every day they monitor them. Rush
Limbaugh only makes a paltry $100
million and he's been under constant
audit since the late 90's.

So they aren't 'still investigating his
returns', they never stopped. You
people act like Trump sits at the
kitchen table on Ap 1st and does
his taxes. He has whole accounting
firms doing that daily and filing
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March 2nd, 2019 at 2:04:22 PM permalink
Quote: mcallister3200

Sheriff Joe is an unapologetic criminal and deserves to be put into his own tent city for a few months, see if he can survive it. Laws apply to all citizens, sheriffs too.

BS. His “crimes” is he cares more about law abiding citizens than illegal aliens. That he does not coddle criminals in a nice air conditioned county slam.
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March 2nd, 2019 at 2:11:55 PM permalink
Quote: AZDuffman

BS. His “crimes” is he cares more about law abiding citizens than illegal aliens. That he does not coddle criminals in a nice air conditioned county slam.

He's a convicted felon. Now pardoned by Trump, because actual law couldn't legally find a way to absolve him. As a populist candidate he felt he had leeway to ignore federal orders. NOT above the law.
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